A simple jQuery/Zepto notification library designed to be used in mobile apps
- A973CFrance
- abolishmeVenice, CA
- BambofyCodethink
- bensocharEllevate Network
- betoflakes@wizeline
- Bischel
- bronfman
- chriswitkoSpain
- corysimmons
- cybernet/usr/sbin/mysqld
- dleathermanPermalight NYC
- dlewand691Cognizant
- eswat2Spokane
- fabiofl@AWS
- foo9
- HaraShun
- hirofumikanekoJapan
- ItsMeAraLa Crescenta, CA
- jheuerKenna Security
- johnrees
- kentliau
- kogorou
- mattfonz
- mgenevGemini Connect
- montogeekBerlin, Germany
- nashibaoPlaid,Inc.
- NetOpWibby@NeverCease
- nohponexGreece
- pcout
- riffus
- suerb
- thasmo@pixelart
- VenomVendorNear the edge of the world!
- viljaste@tehisintellekt
- weavermediaLos Angeles, CA
- ygauthierQuebec, Canada