WordPress dealership themes

This is a group of WordPress dealership themes. foundation-dealer is the first theme and it is based on FoundationPress: https://github.com/olefredrik/foundationpress.


You'll need to have the following items installed before continuing.

  • Node.js: Use the installer provided on the NodeJS website.
  • Grunt: Run [sudo] npm install -g grunt-cli
  • Bower: Run [sudo] npm install -g bower


cd my-wordpress-folder/
git clone git@github.com:justinfriebel/wordpress-dealership-themes.git
npm install
bower install

While you're working on your project, run:


And you're set!

Stylesheet Folder Structure

  • style.css: Do not worry about this file. (For some reason) it's required by WordPress. All styling are handled in the Sass files described below

  • scss/app.scss: Sass imports for global config, foundation and site structure

  • scss/config/_variables.scss: Your custom variables

  • scss/config/_colors.scss: Your custom color scheme

  • scss/config/_settings.scss: Original Foundation 5 base settings

  • scss/site/_structure: Your custom site structure

  • css/app.css: All Sass files are minified and compiled to this file

Script Folder Strucutre

  • bower_components/: This is the source folder where all Foundation scripts are located. foundation update will check and update scripts in this folder
  • js/: jQuery, Modernizr and Foundation scripts are copied from bower_components/ to this directory, where they are minified and concatinated and enqueued in WordPress
  • Please note that you must run grunt in your terminal for the scripts to be copied. See Gruntfile.js for details

How to get started with Foundation