
a thin wrapper around the shopify api for node.js

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


A thin wrapper around the Shopify API for node.js. Shopifapi currently only supports basic authentication connections to the Shopify API.

Note that shopifapi implements a burst-queue to prevent hitting the Shopify API call limit. This means that calls on a shopifapi object may call back immediately or may call back in many minutes, depending on the frequency of Shopify API calls.


npm install shopifapi


var Shopifapi = require('shopifapi');
var shopify = new Shopifapi({
    auth: {
        username: 'somereallylongauthkey',
        password: 'somereallylongpassword'
    url: 'https://mywebsite.myshopify.com'
shopify.getBaseObj('products', 'collections_id=12345', function(products) {
	console.log('adding "blue" tag to all products from collection 12345:');
	products.forEach(function(product) {
		shopify.put('products', product.id, { tags: 'blue' }, function(response) {
			console.log('shopify responded with:');


The auth object takes two items:

  • username: A shopify dev key
  • password: A shopify dev password

This is the url of the shopify store to connect to.

Default: false. Set this to true if you want to watch console.log messages fly by.


getBaseObj(objectName, args, callback)
Used for getting all objects with the given arguments. If null is passed for the args parameter, all instances of the specified object type will be returned.

shopifapi.getBaseObj('custom_collections', null, function(collections) {
	console.log("Here's a list of all custom_collections!");
shopifapi.getBaseObj('products', 'custom_collection=54321', function(products) {
	console.log("Here's all the products from collection 54321!");

getBaseObjById(objectName, id, callback)
Used for getting an object with an id.

shopifapi.getBaseObjById('products', 12345, function(product) {
  console.log("Here's product 12345!");

getSubObj(objectName, subObjectName, id, callback)
Used for getting subobjects of a base object. For example, variants of products are subobjects as are provinces of countries. id is the id of the base object.

shopifapi.getSubObj('products', 'variants', 12345, function(variants) {
	console.log("Here's all the variants for product 12345!");

put(objectName, id, data, callback)
Used to update a Shopify object. If the callback returns null, the update was unsuccessful, otherwise the updated object's JSON is returned. Turn on verbose logging to see error details if issues arise.

shopifapi.put('products', 12345, { tags: 'blue' }, function(updatedProduct) {
	console.log('I just tried to set the tags for product 12345 to "blue"');

post(objectName, data, callback) Used to create a new Shopify object. If the callback returns null, the creation was unsuccessful, otherwise the updated object's JSON is returned. Turn on verbose logging to see error details if issues arise. NOTE: this method does not currently support the creation of subobjects.

shopifapi.post('products', someProductData, function(newProduct) {
	console.log('I just tried to create ' + someProductData.title);

The number of API calls enqueued. Useful for when you've hit the Shopify API call limit and the burst-queue is waiting until it can continue.