
personal dotfiles

Primary LanguageVimL

My dotfiles configuration. Use at your own risk ;-)

  1. Installation
  2. Directory Structure
  3. Leader Mappings
  4. Plugins
  5. Abbreviations
  6. Functions
  7. Aliases
  8. Notes


git clone <url> .dotfiles
rake link    # symlink dotfiles into ~ directory
rake brew    # install brew packages and caskes
rake aliases # list out aliases in command line

Directory Structure

The rake link task will sym link all the relevant dotfiles into your home directory.


YouCompleteMe: Intelligent in editor text completetion. Tab to cycle through options.

brew install cmake
vim +PluginInstall +qall
cd .vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe

SuperTab - allows for multiple bindings on the key so that YouCompleteMe can play nice with UltiSnips.

NerdCommenter - allows for quick commenting like in most text editors. Mapped to ,/

CtrlP - fuzzy find files, uses Ag under the hood for performance benefits.

NerdTree - simulates file tree like most editors have.

UltiSnips - snippets to reduce boilerplate typing.

Tabular - helper for aligning text. Video explaining use

:Tab /= (regex)

Surround - text editing tool to change content of surrounding characters (i.e "hello" to 'hello', etc)

Taboo - rename tabs for easier code organization

Key Mappings

Combo Plugin Description
,, vim easy access to the shell :!
,ev vim edit vimrc file in split window
,ea vim edit aliases file in split window
,et vim edit todos file in split window
,eb vim edit bug journal file in split window
,es UltiSnips edit snippets for current file type
,sv vim source vimrc file
,= vim auto format an entire file
,j vim go to next tab
,k vim go to previous tab
,as vim alphabetically sort (in visual or normal)
,pi Vundle install all plugins
,f ctrlP search file system
,\\ NERDTree open file tree
`, ` NERDTree
(space space) vim go to last file
(space ) vim clear search highlight
,a= vim aligns equal signs
,a: vim aligns colons
,af vim aligns 'from's
<C-l> UltiSnips expand snippet
<C-l> UltiSnips go to next snippet section once expanded
,tr Taboo Rename current tab
cmd + shift + c vim copy current filepath to system clipboard (useful for specs)
,v vim split screen vertically

Ruby/Rails Key Mappings

Combo Plugin Description
,et vim-rails edit test for current file
,rel vim-ruby-refactoring extract let variables
,rec vim-ruby-refactoring extract variable into constant
,rrlv vim-ruby-refactoring rename local variable (must visually highlight)
,rriv vim-ruby-refactoring rename instance variable (must visually highlight)


Letters Correction
@@ spencercdixon@gmail.com


tre - like 'tree' command but avoids directories I don't care about and adds nice colors
v - opens macvim with current directory or given argument
mkd - make directory and cd into it
mov2gif - convert a .mov file from quicktime into a gif


Running aliases in the terminal will open up all available aliases. There are too many to write out in the readme. The most important ones for configuring the dotfiles are below:

alias aliases='vim ~/.dotfiles/aliases'
alias zconfig='vim ~/.dotfiles/zshrc'
alias zfunc='vim ~/.dotfiles/functions'
alias vconfig='vim ~/.dotfiles/vimrc'
alias d='cd ~/.dotfiles'
alias reload='source ~/.zshrc'