
🔒 Express middleware for guarding resources based on JWT roles and claims

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Provides Express middleware for guarding resources based on JWT roles and claims. Supports chaining with and/or.

Works great with Auth0 or other JWT implementations.

app.get('/user/:id', function (req, res) {
        .or.claim('user_id', req.params.id)

    res.send('You are allowed to access this user!')


npm install jwt-guard

Include the Express middleware as early as possible. It validates and decodes the JWT from the Authorization: Bearer header using jsonwebtoken.

import express from 'express'
import jwtGuard from 'jwt-guard'

const app = express()



.token is added to every request object. This can be used to guard access by requiring roles and/or claims.


Guarding throws an HTTP error on failure.

Using roles

Roles come from the roles: claim in the JWT.

app.get('/admin-area', function (req, res) {
    res.send('Welcome to the secret area')

Using claims

Claims come from the payload of the JWT. Often this is used to hold things like user_id.

app.post('/user', function (req, res) {
    const userId = req.body.user_id

    req.token.require.claim('user_id', user_id)
        .guard('Sorry you can only update your own account.')

    // passed, update logic here

Chaining roles and claims

You can require multiple roles and claims by chaining with or and and.

app.post('/blog', function (req, res) {
    // passed, post the blog
app.delete('/blog/:id', function (req, res) {
    const blogPost = '...'

        .or.claim('user_id', blogPost.ownerUserId)
    // passed, delete the blog


Works like .guard() but returns true/false instead of throwing an error. Supports [chaining](#Chaining roles and claims) as well.

app.get('/admin-area', function (req, res) {
    const isAdmin = req.token.require.role('admin').check
    if(isAdmin) {
        res.send('Welcome to the secret area')
    } else{

Getting a claim

Retrieving the value of a claim is easy

app.get('/', function (req, res) {
    const name = req.token.claims.name
    res.send(`Hello ${name}`)