
Parallel Text Indexer

Primary LanguageJava

Parallel Text Indexer (PATI)

An Aho-Corasick indexer was implemented using Java and MySQL relational database. The Aho-Corasick string matching algorithm is a simple and efficient text scanning algorithm. The algorithm constructs a finite state machine to scan for a given set of keywords. It is, in effect, a reduced grammar regular expression parser. State machine construction time is proportional to the sum of the length of the keyword set, and the number of state transitions required to scan a document is independent of the number of the size of the keyword set.

The source includes database DDL and maintenance scripts, as well as operational scripts for maintaining the index. Upon startup, the indexer reads a list of index keywords and synonyms from the database and constructs an Aho-Corasick state machine. The indexer then enters a loop in which it uses the state machine to scan batches of documents retrieved from the database. The document batch size is varied manually to match the physical capabilities of the host. A possible enhancement to our implementation could include an adaptive loading component. The output of the state machine is used to augment a global index maintained in the database. Decoupled design allows multiple indexer instances can be deployed in parallel, using the database to synchronize their access to the corpus and index. The individual indexers do not interact directly with one another, making for a simple deployment and operation model.

Deployment Model

Overall Class Diagram

Overall Sequence Diagram
