A script to easily grab all your grades for individual tests, labs, assignments, etc. from Carleton University's online portal, and save to JSON.
Clone the repo:
$ git clone https://github.com/jktin12/GradeScraper.git
Install dependencies:
$ bundle
If you are using Windows, you may need to resolve SSL issues.
$ ruby scrape.rb
Choose verbose or non-verbose mode:
Enable verbose mode? (y/n)
Enter CULearn credentials:
Username: myusername
Password: *******
When the script is finished, choose whether to save to a JSON file:
Save to JSON file? (y/n)
Name of JSON file?
Saving to my_grades.json
You can enter a JSON filename with or without the .json extension.
The JSON that is generated is in the form:
"courses": [
"culearn_id": "",
"name": "",
"items": [
"name": "",
"grade": "",
"max": ""