
Real time conversion of Trump's twitter feed to cringey UwU format

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Trump UwU Auto Tweeter

This app creates a Twitter stream of @realdonaldtrump's tweets, converts it to a cringey UwU format, then reposts the owo version. Heavily influenced by the trump_owo twitter.

Currently deployed through an heroku worker


So pathetic to watch the Fake News Lamestream Media playing down the gravity and depravity of the Radical Left, looters and thugs, ripping up our Liberal Democrat run (only) cities. It is almost like they are all working together?
*nuzzles* So pathetic to watch the Fake News Wamestweam Media pwaying down the gwavity and depwavity of the Wadicaw Weft, wootews and thugs, wipping up ouw Wibewaw Democwat wun (onwy) cities >.< It is awmost wike they awe aww wowking togethew?

Local Set Up

To run this app locally you will need to have node installed.

  1. Run the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/justinkunz/UwU-trump-tweets
cd UwU-trump-tweets
npm i
cp .env.example .env
  1. Edit the config.json file to change the target of the tweets. You can find a Twitter user Id here

  2. Set up a Twitter Developer account here and create a new app.

  3. Generate your Twitter Access Key & secret and add it, along with your consumer key & secret to the .env file that was created.

  4. Run node . to start the worker.