Mass Geocode IPs

by Justin Martinez

This script runs through the users table and invokes Geocoder to grab location data using an IP address.

# run the main process
ruby lib/geolocate_user_ips.rb


In a gemset: bundle install.

See the config/config.rb file for database settings. It is assumed there is a local Postgres database called geo-user-ips. db/migrations has examples of migrations to create Postgres tables and import data dumps.


See lib/export.rb for examples of how to dump database data. It might be cooler if epxort.rb generate KML files for easy usage with Google Maps and Google Earth.


  • Put configuration settings in a YML file.
  • KML export marker configuration.
  • Export to KML. Google Maps/Earth import supports only 2000 items per layer. It would be good if data are exported in batches no larger than 2000.