
A simple, domain-oriented micro-service architecture simulator.

Primary LanguageC++


SiteSim is a simple, domain-oriented micro-service architecture simulator. You define micro-service characteristics, such as dependencies, load balancing policies, and so on, and SiteSim simulates the flow of RPC requests through each service in the system.


On a Unix-like system, you should be able to simply run:


in order to build SiteSim and run an example simulation.


The default example instantiates a simplistic architecture consisting of:

  • A Frontend RegionalService that serves incoming HTTPS requests.
  • An LBCache LoadBalancedService that load balances its RPC requests across data center Regions.
  • A Database RegionalService that serves cache fill requests.

These services are organized into an App Stack in the following manner:

Frontend → LBCache → Database

We set up a simplistic data center infrastructure consisting of two Regions: West and East. The regions are identical in their deployments of the App.

Two Edges, North and South, send traffic to the West and East in different proportions. Each edge's traffic follows a sinusoidal diurnal pattern (with the phases of North and South offset by π/2).

The resulting Site that we simulate looks like this:

               ┌─┬─ West:  Frontend                     LBCache → Database
       North: ─┤ │                   ↘               ↗ 75%     10%
Site:          │ │                      LoadBalancer
       South: ─┼─┤                   ↗               ↘ 25%     10%
               └─┴─ East:  Frontend                     LBCache → Database

By default, the simulation in this example is set to simulate 12 hours of site operation and outputs verbose execution information as well as the final state of the site.