
a python module to make unicode strings work as expected for turkish chars. solves the turkish "İ" problem.

Primary LanguagePython


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a python module to make unicode strings work as expected for turkish chars. solves the turkish "İ" problem.

lower(), upper(), capitalize() and title() methods are patched.


pip install unicode_tr

or if you like 90s:

easy_install unicode_tr

or add unicode_tr directory to the your path.


Just import the module. No need to refactor your unicode string by adding unicode_tr definition.

It simply monkey-patches builtin.unicode module. Monkey-patched methods of unicode are:

  • unicode.upper()
  • unicode.lower()
  • unicode.capitalize()
  • unicode.title()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import unicode_tr

text_true = u"istanbul"
text_wrong = u"istanbul"

# string.upper
print text_true.upper(), text_wrong.upper()

# string.capitalize
print text_true.capitalize(), text_wrong.capitalize()
# output -> İstanbul Istanbul

# string.lower
text_true  = u"ÇINAR"
text_false = u"ÇINAR"

print text_true.lower(), text_false.lower()
# output -> çınar çinar

# string.title
text_true  = u"izmir istanbul"
text_false = u"izmir istanbul"

print text_true.title(), text_false.title()
# output -> İzmir İstanbul Izmir Istanbul



Turkish language supported slugify function.

Converts to lowercase, removes non-word characters (alphanumerics and underscores) and converts spaces to hyphens. Also strips leading and trailing whitespace."

In [1]: from unicode_tr.extras import slugify

In [2]: slugify("türkçe")
Out[2]: u'turkce'

In [3]: slugify("diyarbakır")
Out[3]: u'diyarbakir'

Note: If you want to deasciify your text: @emres/turkish-deasciifier

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