
Specs related to Open Badges

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Specification documents related to Open Badges

The published version of Open Badges 2.0 is in master and develop. Version 2.1 is only in develop until Final.


  • master: stable, deployable branch that stores the official release history including releases designated as Candidate Final Public.
  • develop: unstable development branch. Current work that targets a future release is merged into this branch.
  • feature/new-feature-name: unstable feature branch. Work that may be approved for future release will be developed in here and branched from develop.

Please follow these steps to contribute a change to the openbadges-specification repository:

  1. Open an issue on the repository if you have not done so already to allow for dialog beyond a pull request.
  2. Create a new branch from develop with a designation that provides a brief high-level description i.e. documentation/branching-strategy.
  3. Make your changes in your new branch. You can choose to do these in a fork of the repository if you wish. Please include the issue number where appropriate when making commits.
  4. Push those changes to the core repository or your fork.
  5. Open a pull request with the target branch of develop and the source of your branch. Please include the issue number when authoring a pull request.
  6. Make your changes aware to the workgroup by raising them during a workgroup meeting. This will typically involve putting the topic on the agenda by way of the workgroup chair and/or an IMS Global staff member.
  7. Pull request or general merges into the develop branch generally require workgroup approval unless IMS Staff or the workgroup chair indicate otherwise.

For information on how to use GitHub within IMS Global, please see: Spec Central.