To start the game you will need to have a few things installed. 1. Python. Developed using Python 2.5.1 from 2. Python-ogre. This is available for a variety of platforms from We tested it under Windows and Linux successfully. Under windows if you have these prerequisists installed, you should be able to double-click on and have the game start up. Ogre will propmt you for various graphics settings. We found that 1024x786 gave acceptable perfomance, but Moore's law suggests that higher options will be available if anyone eventually reads this. If you are running this under Linux, you should already know how to run a python script. If not, it's well worth your time to look into it. Keybindings: WASD: player motion IJKL: camera motion Spacebar: Jump VC: Powerup (once aquired) It also should work with a joystick. We liked using the Xbox controller. Enjoy!