
A gamification gem to Ruby on Rails applications

Primary LanguageRuby

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Gioco (current version - 1.0.1)

A gamification gem to Ruby on Rails applications

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Gioco is an easy-to-implement gamification gem based on plug and play concepts. With Gioco you are able to implement gamification logic such as badges, levels and points / currencies. Whether you have an existing database or starting from scratch, Gioco will smoothly integrate everything and provide all methods that you might need.


A Gioco overview screencast is available at Youtube:


Gioco is available through Rubygems and can be installed by:

adding it in Gemfile

gem 'gioco'

and running the bundler

$ bundle install


To setup Gioco with your application

Gioco has two optional setup parameters, --points and --types. These can be used together, or separate.

Next, you will be prompted to provide your Resource Model. This is generally the User model.

rails g gioco:setup --points --types;


rails g gioco:setup;

--points argument will setup Gioco with a points system. --types will setup an environment with multiple types of badges. If --types is used with --points then types will be able to represent types of points as well.

You can read more about how the badge, level and points implementations work at the Documentation


###Badge After you've setup Gioco in your application, you'll be able to add and remove Badges using the following commands: Note: The DEFAULT (boolean) option is responsible for adding a specific badge to all current resource registrations.

####Creating Badges

To add Badges you will use rake tasks. Note: The arguments will change depending on which setup options you chose.


For setups with --points:


For setups with --types:

	rake gioco:add_badge[BADGE_NAME,TYPE_NAME,DEFAULT]

For setups with --points and --types:


For setups without --points or --types:

	rake gioco:add_badge[BADGE_NAME,DEFAULT]

####Destroying Badges


With --types option:

	rake gioco:remove_badge[BADGE_NAME,TYPE_NAME]

Without --types option:

	rake gioco:remove_badge[BADGE_NAME]

####Destroying Types


  rake gioco:remove_type[TYPE_NAME]

Note: Before destroying a type, you must destroy all badges that relate to it.


####Let's assume that you have setup Gioco defining your User model as the Resource

After adding the badges as you wish, you will have to start to use it inside your application, and to do this, Gioco will provide and attach some methods that will allow you to easily apply any logic that you might have, without being concerned about small details.

###Resource Methods

Resource is the focus of your gamification logic and it should be defined in your setup process.

####Change Points

Updating, adding or subtracting some amount of points of a resource. It will also remove or add the badges that was affected by the ponctuation change. It will return a hash with the info related of the badges added or removed. This method only is usefull when you setup the Gioco with the points system.

Ps. Type_id should be used only when you already used it as a setup argument

user = User.find(1)
user.change_points({ points: Points, type: Type_id }) #Add or Subtract some amount of points of a type

If you have setup Gioco without --type then you should only pass the points argument instead of a hash:

user = User.find(1)
user.change_points(Points) #Add or Subtract some amount of points

####Next Badge?

Return the next badge information, including percent and points info. Ps. Type_id should be used only when you already used it as a setup argument

user = User.find(1)
user.next_badge?(Type_id) #Returns the information related to the next badge the user should win

####Get Badges

To get the badges or levels of you resource all you have to do is:

user = User.find(1)
user.badges #Return all user badges

###Badges Methods


Add a Badge to a specific resource, it will return the badge added, or if you are using points system it will return a hash with all badges that had been added

badge = Badge.find(1)
badge.add(Resource_id) #Add a badge to a user


Remove a Badge of a specific resource, it will return the badge removed, or if you are using points system it will return a hash with all badges that had been removed

badge = Badge.find(1)
badge.remove(Resource_id) #Remove a badge from a user

###Ranking Methods


Gioco provide a method to list all Resources in a ranking inside of an array, the result format will change according the setup arguments you used ( --points or/and --types ):

Gioco::Ranking.generate #Return a object with the ranking of users


All basic usage flow to add Gioco in an application:

####Let's assume that you have setup Gioco defining your User model as the Resource

> rails g gioco:setup --points --types;
What is your resource model? (eg. user)
> user

Adding badges to the system using rake tasks, your badges have a pontuation and a type in this case cause I setup Gioco using --points and --types arguments.

# Adding badges of a teacher type
> rake gioco:add_badge[noob,0,teacher,true]
> rake gioco:add_badge[medium,100,teacher]
> rake gioco:add_badge[hard,200,teacher]
> rake gioco:add_badge[pro,500,teacher]

# Adding badges of a commenter type
> rake gioco:add_badge[mude,0,commenter,true]
> rake gioco:add_badge[speaker,100,commenter]

Now Gioco is already installed and synced with the applciation and six badges are created.

The both defaults badge ( noob ) already was added to all users that we already have in our database.

Inside your application if you want to give 100 points to some user, inside your function you have to use the following method:

type =  Type.where(:name => "teacher")
user = User.find(1)

user.change_points({ points: 100, type: type.id })

Or if you wanna add or remove some badge (consequently Gioco will add or remove the necessary points):

badge = Badge.where(:name => speaker)
user  = User.find(1)


Get the information related to the next badge that the user want to earn:

type =  Type.where(:name => "teacher")
user = User.find(1)


To get a ranking of all resources all you need is call:



Gioco is released under the MIT license: www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT

This is it!

Well, this is Gioco I really hope you enjoy and use it a lot, I'm still working on it so dont be shy, let me know if something get wrong opening a issue, then I can fix it and we help each other ;)