
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The Graph SubGraph for honeypause contract data

EthDenver 2024 hackathon project

This repo contains a SubGraph made for honeypause contracts, and a SubGraph development environment.

tech stack

development environnment setup prereqs

  • nodejs, nvm
  • yarn
  • docker-compose
  • Anvil from foundry

running the app

This is an abridged version of Kevin's startup guide. The SchaffoldEth2 + Graph combination is impressive and complicated, you'll probably have to debug your way through some part of this, as there are a bunch of different types and versions of software here. I ran this on an M1 Mac, and needed to update my local podman to get the networking working between the Graph's docker containers, FWIW.

After the inital yarn install, startup consists of running the 5 underlying parts:

  1. Eth node: anvil
  2. Contract's build & deploy: yarn deploy
  3. ScaffoldEth2's nextjs web app: yarn start
  4. theGraph's dev environment (uses docker compose): yarn run-node
  5. subgraph's build & deploy yarn local-create && yarn local-ship

notable files

  • HoneyPause.sol, and my hacky reference implementation contracts of a Protocol, Brounties, pausing, and claiming funds.
    /// @notice An on-chain mechanism for atomically verifying an exploit,
    ///         pausing a protocol, and paying out a reward. Made possible
    ///         thanks to private mempools. Made for the EthDenver 2024 hackathon. 
    /// @author Lawrence Forman <@merklejerk>
    contract HoneyPause {
        using LibBytes for bytes;
        /// @dev A bounty record.
        struct Bounty {
            address operator;
            ERC20 payoutToken;
            uint256 payoutAmount;
            IVerifier verifier;
            IPauser pauser;
            IPayer payer; 
    /// ...
  • Subgraph manifest: subgraph.yaml that specifies what the Graph's codegen process should produce.
    specVersion: 0.0.4
    description: HoneyPause
    repository: https://github.com/justinschuldt/honeyhole/packages/subgraph/
      file: ./src/schema.graphql
      - kind: ethereum/contract
        name: HoneyPause
        network: localhost
          abi: HoneyPause
          address: "0xa513E6E4b8f2a923D98304ec87F64353C4D5C853"
          kind: ethereum/events
          apiVersion: 0.0.6
          language: wasm/assemblyscript
            - name: HoneyPause
              file: ./abis/localhost_HoneyPause.json
            - Pot
            - Verifier
            - Whitehat
            - Claim
            # ...
  • Subgraph mapping functions: mappings.ts, these functions are deployed to the local graph-node and translate ethereum chain data to the graphQL store.
    export function handleCreated(event: Created): void {
        const verifierId = event.params.verifier.toHexString()
        let verifier = Verifier.load(verifierId)
        if (verifier == null) {
            verifier = new Verifier(verifierId)
            verifier.address = event.params.verifier
            verifier.createdAt = event.block.timestamp;
            verifier.sender = event.transaction.from
        const bountyId = event.params.bountyId.toHexString()
        const bounty = new Bounty(bountyId)
        bounty.name = event.params.name
        bounty.payoutToken = event.params.payoutToken
        bounty.payoutAmount = event.params.payoutAmount
        bounty.createdAt = event.block.timestamp
        // ...
  • Subgraph GraphQL schema: schema.graphql. The data types and structures your subgraph will produce.
    type Bounty @entity {
        id: ID!
        name: String!
        payoutToken: Token!
        payoutAmount: BigInt!
        verifier: Verifier!
        createdAt: BigInt!
        sender: Bytes!
        claimed: Boolean!
        claim: Claim
        claimedAt: BigInt
        claimedWhitehat: Whitehat
    type Verifier @entity(immutable: true) {
        id: ID!
        address: Bytes!
        createdAt: BigInt!
        sender: Bytes!
        bounties: [Bounty!]! @derivedFrom(field: "verifier")
    type Token @entity(immutable: true) {
        id: ID!
        # ...