
A PHP class that converts and formats any valid HTML color format

Primary LanguagePHPApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PHP Color Class

The PHP Color class is a versatile utility for handling HTML color values. It provides a simple interface for working with color properties such as name, RGB, HSL, and alpha.


  • Conversion between color representations: name, hex, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA.
  • Getters and setters for individual color components: red, green, blue, hue, saturation, lightness, alpha.
  • Supports common color names as defined in the HTML color specification.
  • Exception handling for invalid color inputs.



// Initialize with a color value
$myColor = new Color('blue');

Getters and Setters

// Get color name
$name = $myColor->get_name();

// Set color name

// Get and set individual components
$red = $myColor->get_red();

$green = $myColor->get_green();

$blue = $myColor->get_blue();

$hue = $myColor->get_hue();

$saturation = $myColor->get_saturation();

$lightness = $myColor->get_lightness();


// Format color in different representations
$nameFormat = $myColor->format('name');
$hexFormat = $myColor->format('hex');
$rgbaFormat = $myColor->format('rgba');
$hslFormat = $myColor->format('hsl');


// Example: Initializing with a hex value
$myColor = new Color('#ff0000');

// Example: Setting RGB values

// Example: Formatting the color
$hexFormat = $myColor->format('hex'); // Outputs: #80ff00

Exception Handling

The ColorException class is thrown for invalid color inputs. Make sure to handle exceptions appropriately in your code.

try {
    $invalidColor = new Color('invalid_color');
} catch (ColorException $e) {
    // Handle the exception (e.g., log, display an error message)
    echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();


This PHP Color class is released under the Apache License 2.0.