
The Smooch Javascript SDK will add live web messaging to your website or web app.


npm version

Smooch is the best way to have personal, rich conversations with people on your website or customers on any device. Our features, integrations and developer-friendly APIs empower companies to connect with their customers in a whole new way.

The Smooch Web Messenger will add live web messaging to your website or web app. Customers will be able to talk to you from your website, while you manage conversations using your favorite business systems.

  • Let your customers talk to you the way they want by seamlessly moving web chat conversations to any messaging app.
  • Sync conversations across every device and channel your customers use.
  • Build better relationships with messaging that feels and looks tailored to your website.
  • Delight your customers with the most engaging conversational experience using rich messaging.
  • Maximize development productivity with a single codebase across platforms and add more channels anytime.
  • Bring every conversation into your existing business systems. No new tool to learn. See all integrations.


Script Tag

Add the following code towards the end of the head section on your page and replace <app-id> with your app id at the end of the script.

        function o(){try{var e;if((e="string"==typeof this.response?JSON.parse(this.response):this.response).url){var t=n.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],r=n.createElement("script");r.async=!0,r.src=e.url,t.parentNode.insertBefore(r,t)}}catch(e){}}var s,p,a,i=[],c=[];e[t]={init:function(){s=arguments;var e={then:function(n){return c.push({type:"t",next:n}),e},catch:function(n){return c.push({type:"c",next:n}),e}};return e},on:function(){i.push(arguments)},render:function(){p=arguments},destroy:function(){a=arguments}},e.__onWebMessengerHostReady__=function(n){if(delete e.__onWebMessengerHostReady__,e[t]=n,s)for(var r=n.init.apply(n,s),o=0;o<c.length;o++){var u=c[o];r="t"===u.type?r.then(u.next):r.catch(u.next)}p&&n.render.apply(n,p),a&&n.destroy.apply(n,a);for(o=0;o<i.length;o++)n.on.apply(n,i[o])};var u=new XMLHttpRequest;u.addEventListener("load",o),u.open("GET","https://"+r+".webloader.smooch.io/",!0),u.responseType="json",u.send()

then initialize the Web Messenger by placing this snippet towards the end of the body section of your page.

    Smooch.init({appId: '<app-id>'}).then(function() {
        // Your code after init is complete

Browserify and Webpack

Install from npm

npm install --save smooch

Require and init

var Smooch = require('smooch');

Smooch.init({appId: '<app-id>'}).then(function() {
    // Your code after init is complete

Browser support

Web Messenger supports all popular browsers.

Desktop versions

  • Chrome: Latest and one major version behind
  • Edge: Latest and one major version behind
  • Firefox: Latest and one major version behind
  • Internet Explorer: 11+
  • Safari: Latest and one major version behind

Mobile versions

  • Stock browser on Android 4.1+
  • Safari on iOS 8+

Other browsers

Web Messenger is likely compatible with other and older browsers but we only test against the versions above.


Individual functions


Initializes the Smooch widget in the web page using the specified options. It returns a promise that will resolve when the Web Messenger is ready. Note that excepton and off, all methods needs to be called after a successful init.

Option Optional? Default value Description
appId No - Your app id
jwt Yes - Token to authenticate your communication with the server (see http://docs.smooch.io/javascript/#authenticating-users-optional)
userId Yes - User's id
authCode Yes - An auth code for linking to an existing conversation (see more details here)
locale Yes en-US Locale used for date formatting using the <language>-<COUNTRY> format. Language codes can be found here and country codes here.
**Note 1 : ** The country part is optional, and if a country is either not recognized or supported, it will fallback to using the generic language. If the language isn't supported, it will fallback to en-US.
Note 2: this is only used for date formatting and doesn't provide built-in translations for Web Messenger. Refer to the documentation for how to handle translations.
soundNotificationEnabled Yes true Enables the sound notification for new messages
imageUploadEnabled Yes true Enables the image upload feature.
embedded Yes False Tells the widget it will be embedded. (see Embedded section below)
displayStyle Yes button Choose how the messenger will appear on your website. Must be either button or tab.
buttonIconUrl Yes - When the displayStyle is button, you have the option of selecting your own button icon. The image must be at least 200 x 200 pixels and must be in either JPG, PNG, or GIF format.
buttonWidth Yes 58px When the displayStyle is button, you have the option of specifying the button width.
buttonHeight Yes 58px When the displayStyle is button, you have the option of specifying the button height.
businessName Yes - A custom business name.
businessIconUrl Yes - A custom business icon url. The image must be at least 200 x 200 pixels and must be in either JPG, PNG, or GIF format.
backgroundImageUrl Yes - A background image url for the conversation. Image will be tiled to fit the window.
integrationOrder Yes - Array of integration IDs. When set, only integrations from this list will be displayed. If an empty array is used, no integrations will be displayed. Note: Listing an integration in the array doesn't guarantee that it will be displayed in the Web Messenger.
customColors Yes See below. Colors used in the Web Messenger UI.
customText Yes See the example below Strings used in the Web Messenger UI. You can use these to either customize the text or translate it. Note: Some strings include variables (surrounded by {}) which must remain in your customized text.
Option Optional? Default value Description
brandColor Yes 65758e This color will be used in the messenger header and the button or tab in idle state. Must be a 3 or 6-character hexadecimal color.
conversationColor Yes 0099ff This color will be used for customer messages, quick replies and actions in the footer. Must be a 3 or 6-character hexadecimal color.
actionColor Yes 0099ff This color will be used for call-to-actions inside your messages. Must be a 3 or 6-character hexadecimal color.

See below for an example.

var skPromise = Smooch.init({
    appId: '<app-id>',
    // For authenticated mode
    jwt: 'your_jwt',
    userId: 'user_id',
    locale: 'en-US',

    customColors: {
        brandColor: '65758e',
        conversationColor: '65758e',
        actionColor: '65758e',

    customText: {
        actionPaymentCompleted: 'Payment Completed',
        actionPaymentError: 'An error occurred while processing the card. <br> Please try again or use a different card.',
        actionPostbackError: 'An error occurred while processing your action. Please try again.',
        clickToRetry: 'Message not delivered. Click to retry.',
        connectNotificationText: 'Be notified inside your other apps when you get a reply.',
        connectNotificationSingleText: 'Be notified when you get a reply.',
        connectNotificationSingleButtonText: 'Turn on <name> notifications',
        connectNotificationOthersText: 'others',
        conversationTimestampHeaderFormat: 'MMMM D YYYY, h:mm A',
        emailChangeAddress: 'Change my email',
        emailDescription: 'To be notified by email when you get a reply, enter your email address.',
        emailFieldLabel: 'Your email',
        emailFieldPlaceholder: 'Your email address',
        emailFormButton: 'Continue',
        fetchHistory: 'Load more',
        fetchingHistory: 'Retrieving history...',
        frontendEmailChannelDescription: 'To talk to us using email just send a message to our email address and we\'ll reply shortly:',
        headerText: 'How can we help?',
        inputPlaceholder: 'Type a message...',
        introAppText: 'Message us below or from your favorite app.',
        introductionText: 'We\'re here to talk, so ask us anything!',
        invalidFileError: 'Only images are supported. Choose a file with a supported extension (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, or bmp).',
        lineChannelDescription: 'To talk to us using LINE, scan this QR code using the LINE app and send us a message.',
        locationNotSupported: 'Your browser does not support location services or it’s been disabled. Please type your location instead.',
        locationSecurityRestriction: 'This website cannot access your location. Please type your location instead.',
        locationSendingFailed: 'Could not send location',
        locationServicesDenied: 'This website cannot access your location. Allow access in your settings or type your location instead.',
        messageError: 'An error occured while sending your message. Please try again.',
        messageIndicatorTitlePlural: '({count}) New messages',
        messageIndicatorTitleSingular: '({count}) New message',
        messageRelativeTimeDay: '{value}d ago',
        messageRelativeTimeHour: '{value}h ago',
        messageRelativeTimeJustNow: 'Just now',
        messageRelativeTimeMinute: '{value}m ago',
        messageTimestampFormat: 'h:mm A',
        messageSending: 'Sending...',
        messageDelivered: 'Delivered',
        messengerChannelDescription: 'Connect your Facebook Messenger account to be notified when you get a reply and carry the conversation on Facebook Messenger.',
        notificationSettingsChannelsDescription: 'You can also talk to us from your favorite app or service.',
        notificationSettingsChannelsTitle: 'Other Channels',
        notificationSettingsConnected: 'Connected',
        notificationSettingsConnectedAs: 'Connected as {username}',
        sendButtonText: 'Send',
        settingsHeaderText: 'Settings',
        smsBadRequestError: 'We were unable to communicate with this number. Try again or use a different one.',
        smsCancel: 'Cancel',
        smsChangeNumber: 'Change my number',
        smsChannelDescription: 'Connect your SMS number to be notified when you get a reply and carry the conversation over SMS.',
        smsChannelPendingDescription: 'Check your messages at {number} to confirm your phone number.',
        smsContinue: 'Continue',
        smsInvalidNumberError: 'Your phone number isn\'t valid. Please try again.',
        smsLinkCancelled: 'Link to {appUserNumber} was cancelled.',
        smsLinkPending: 'Pending',
        smsPingChannelError: 'There was an error sending a message to your number.',
        smsSendText: 'Send me a text',
        smsStartTexting: 'Start Texting',
        smsTooManyRequestsError: 'A connection for that number was requested recently. Please try again in {minutes} minutes.',
        smsTooManyRequestsOneMinuteError: 'A connection for that number was requested recently. Please try again in 1 minute.',
        smsUnhandledError: 'Something went wrong. Please try again.',
        tapToRetry: 'Message not delivered. Tap to retry.',
        telegramChannelDescription: 'Connect your Telegram account to be notified when you get a reply and carry the conversation on Telegram',
        unsupportedMessageType: 'Unsupported message type.',
        unsupportedActionType: 'Unsupported action type.',
        linkError: 'An error occurred when attempting to generate a link for this channel. Please try again.',
        viberChannelDescription: 'Connect your Viber account to be notified when you get a reply and carry the conversation on Viber. To get started, scan the QR code using the Viber app.',
        viberChannelDescriptionMobile: 'Connect your Viber account to be notified when you get a reply and carry the conversation on Viber. To get started, install the Viber app and tap Connect.',
        viberQRCodeError: 'An error occurred while fetching your Viber QR code. Please try again.',
        wechatChannelDescription: 'Connect your WeChat account to be notified when you get a reply and carry the conversation on WeChat. To get started, scan this QR code using the WeChat app.',
        wechatChannelDescriptionMobile: 'Connect your WeChat account to be notified when you get a reply and carry the conversation on WeChat. To get started, save this QR code image and upload it in the <a href=\'weixin://dl/scan\'>QR code scanner</a>.',
        wechatQRCodeError: 'An error occurred while fetching your WeChat QR code. Please try again.'
}).then(function() {
    // Your code after init is complete

skPromise.then(function() {
    // do something

// pass it around...

skPromise.then(function() {
    //do something else


Opens the conversation widget (noop when embedded)



Closes the conversation widget (noop when embedded)



Tells if the widget is currently opened or closed.


login(userId , jwt)

Logs a user in the Web Messenger, retrieving the conversation the user already had on other browsers and/or devices. Note that you don't need to call this after init if you passed the user id and jwt already, it's done internally. This returns a promise that resolves when the Web Messenger is ready again.

Smooch.login('some-id', 'some-jwt');


Logs out the current user and reinitialize the widget with an anonymous user. This returns a promise that resolves when the Web Messenger is ready again.



Destroys the Web Messenger and makes it disappear. The Web Messenger has to be reinitialized with init to be working again because it also clears up the app id from the Web Messenger. It will also unbind all listeners you might have with Smooch.on.



Sends a message on the user's behalf

    type: 'text',
    text: 'hello'

// OR



Trigger a postback action on the user's behalf. The actionId is the _id property of the targeted action.

If you have the _id of the targetted postback action, you can pass it directly to triggerPostback.

const actionId = '5a747faa065bbe4e7804f2a4';

Otherwise, you can get the _id of an action by using Smooch.getConversation(), e.g.

const conversation = Smooch.getConversation();

// [
//     {
//         "text": "Do you want to continue?",
//         "actions": [
//             {
//                 "payload": "text:continue",
//                 "text": "Continue conversation",
//                 "_id": "5a7c65211aaa9b61f69c95e3",
//                 "type": "postback"
//             }
//         ],
//         "type": "text",
//         "role": "appMaker",
//         "_id": "5a7c65211aaa9b61f69c95e2",
//         // ...
//     }
// ]

// Indicate to Smooch that the user has clicked on the "Continue conversation" postback action.


Updates user information

    givenName: 'Updated',
    surname: 'Name',
    email: 'updated@email.com',
    properties: {
      'justGotUpdated': true


Returns the current user.

var user = Smooch.getUser()


Returns the conversation if it exists

var conversation = Smooch.getConversation();


Creates a user and conversation on the server, allowing the business to reach out proactively to the user via the public API.

Creating a conversation via this method will count as an active user conversation (AUC) whether messages are exchanged or not, which may incur cost based on your plan. It is strongly recommended to only call this method in the case where a message is likely to be sent.

This method is called automatically when starting a conversation via the sendMessage method, or when a user sends a message via the conversation view.

If a conversation already exists for the current user, this call is a no-op.



If you want to make sure your events are triggered, try to bind them before calling Smooch.init.

To bind an event, use Smooch.on(<event name>, <handler>);. To unbind events, you can either call Smooch.off(<event name>, handler) to remove one specific handler, call Smooch.off(<event name>) to remove all handlers for an event, or call Smooch.off() to unbind all handlers.


// This event triggers when init completes successfully... Be sure to bind before calling init!
Smooch.on('ready', function(){
    console.log('the init has completed!');

Smooch.init(...).then(function() {
    // init also returns a promise, so you can alternatively specify a .then() callback


// This event triggers when the widget is destroyed.
Smooch.on('destroy', function(){
    console.log('the widget is destroyed!');



// This event triggers when the user receives a message
Smooch.on('message:received', function(message) {
    console.log('the user received a message', message);


// This event triggers when the user sends a message
Smooch.on('message:sent', function(message) {
    console.log('the user sent a message', message);


// This event triggers when a message was added to the conversation
Smooch.on('message', function(message) {
    console.log('a message was added to the conversation', message);


// This event triggers when the number of unread messages changes
Smooch.on('unreadCount', function(unreadCount) {
    console.log('the number of unread messages was updated', unreadCount);


// This event triggers when the widget is opened
Smooch.on('widget:opened', function() {
    console.log('Widget is opened!');


// This event triggers when the widget is closed
Smooch.on('widget:closed', function() {
    console.log('Widget is closed!');

Embedded mode

As describe above, to activate the embedded mode, you need to pass embedded: true when calling Smooch.init. By doing so, you are disabling the auto-rendering mechanism and you will need to call Smooch.render manually. This method accepts a DOM element which will be used as the container where the widget will be rendered.

The embedded widget will take full width and height of the container. You must give it a height, otherwise, the widget will collapse.

