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IntelliJ platform guidelines

This is a repository for IntelliJ platform user interface guidelines: https://jetbrains.design/intellij/

Working with the site locally

To check out and run a local copy of the site follow the steps described below.


  1. This site requires Jekyll. Follow the instruction to install Jekyll on your machine:
  1. Install bundler:

    gem install bundler
  2. Install IntelliJ IDEA or WebStorm

Checking out site repository

To check out the source code run the following command:

git clone https://github.com/JetBrains/ui.git

and install the dependencies with Bundler inside the project directory:

cd ui/
bundle install

Building and previewing

To start the web-server go to the project directory and run:

bundle exec jekyll serve

Jekyll will build the site and start a web server, which can be viewed in your browser at http://localhost:4000/.


To edit the guidelines open it in IDE. Guidelines pages are stored in _docs folder and are organised by categories. Pages are in Markdown format. See quick primer on writing in Markdown.

  • To edit a page open the required .md file and modify it. Enable preview mode for markdown files on the right top corner:
  • To create a new page, create new .md file in the corresponding category directory. The file should start with:

title: Combobox 
category: Components  

The site is updated on the fly, refresh the page in browser to see changes. When you finish editing, publish your changes to the repository using VCS | Commit Changes..., which allows you to either commit or commit and push.

For more details review the blog post with tips and tricks on using IDE to maintain a Jekyll site.