React Router Lab

In this lab, use React Router to create a simple React application that supports URL routing. In this lab, we will focus on how to use React Router, and hence our components will simply comprise just h1, div and/or a tags.

Getting started

  • Create react app: create-react-app my-app-name
  • Install dependencies:
    • yarn add react-router-dom
    • yarn add enzyme enzyme-adapter-react-16 --dev
  • Remove boilerplate code in App.js#render()
  • Create enzyme config file in src/setupTests.js
import { configure } from "enzyme";
import Adapter from "enzyme-adapter-react-16";
configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
  • Smoke test:
    • yarn test - test should still pass
    • yarn start - localhost:3000 should not show any errors


  • Create a MyApp component, which simply displays:
  pending implementation
  • MyApp is where you will place all of your Route and Links components
  • Place MyApp inside App.js#render()
  • Create a NavLinks component, which simply displays:
  <Link href="/">Home Page </Link>
  <Link href="/tacos">Tacos Feed </Link>
  <Link href="/twitter">Twitter Feed </Link>
  • Place NavLinks in MyApp
  • Create a component for HomePage.js, which simply displays:
<h1>This is your home page<h1>
  • Add a route to HomePage component in App.js
    • hint: you will need to import {BrowserRouter, Route} from 'react-router-dom'
Repeat for TwitterFeed component
Repeat for TacosFeed component
Route params for TacosFeed
  • Create TacoDetail component and add a route to it in MyApp.js
  • This component should simply display:
  this is the detailed page for taco number {}
  • Any request for localhost:3000/tacos/:id should dipslay this component
Add a Redirect component
  • Redirect requests for 'tacos/42' to SpecialTacoPage (you have to define SpecialTacoPage component, of course)
