
A fork of the Registry1 hardening manifest resource puller

Primary LanguagePython

Fetch Manifest Resources

Given a valid hardening manifest:

Hardening Manifest Build

Within utils/get_sha256sum.sh

- filename: "v0.13.1.tar.gz"
  url: "https://github.com/defenseunicorns/leapfrogai/archive/refs/tags/v0.13.1.tar.gz"
    type: sha256
    value: "FILL ME PLEASE"
- filename: "andale32.exe"
  url: "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/corefonts/andale32.exe"
    type: sha256
    value: "SOME WRONG SHA256SUM"

This tool parses the hardening_manifest.yaml and for each URL in resources and attempts to:

  • Download the resource defined at the url as named file filename
  • Grabs the sha256sum of the downloaded resource
  • Injects the sha256sum into the validation.value field
  • Removes the downloaded resource


  1. chmod +x ./utils/get_sha256sum.sh
  2. ./utils/get_sha256sum.sh ../path/to/hardening_manifest.yaml


  1. make test

Hardening Manifest Fetch

Within fetch.py

  # Example https resource
  - url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/ops-manager-kubernetes-build/releases/mongodb-enterprise-operator-binaries-release-1.4.2.tar.gz"
    filename: "mongodb-files1.tar.gz" # [required field] desired staging name for the build context
      type: "sha256" # supported: sha256, sha512
      value: "3d6b4cfca92067edd5c860c212ff5153d1e162b8791408bc671900309eb555ec" # must be lowercase

This tool parses the hardening_manifest.yaml and for each URL in resources and attempts to:

  • Validate the url
  • Fetch the url with retries and support for large file streaming
  • Rename the file to filename and store in the same directory as hardening_manifest.yaml
  • Validates the checksum value


  1. make build
  2. docker run --rm -v ${DIRECTORY}:/work -it fetch-resources:latest where DIRECTORY is the local directory where your hardening_manifest.yaml lives.


  1. make test