Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hack the North 2021


Every day, people go out to buy do essential tasks with the fear that they might get COVID-19. Areas around COVID-19 test-centers are guaranteed to have a higher concentration of cases. As a result, COVOID aims to find the safest destinations for you to go to, the places that have the least concentration of COVID cases.

What it does

Our web app allows the user to input their current address, a search radius, and a location type based on where they wanna go. Our program will find the closest locations that match the location type within the search radius and will rank those locations based on how far they are from the closest COVID centers. The farther the location from a COVID center, the better.

How we built it

To design the front-end, we first used Figma to build a low-fidelity prototype and used React and Node/Express on the back end.

Challenges we ran into

We were able to finish the frontend, however we were unable to send and display the request information back to the frontend in time to present to the judges. However, this project was finished after the hackathon was over.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We were happy to come up with a novel and relevant solution to providing users with more safety and assurance in their travels.

What we learned

Through this project, our group learned a lot about design thinking and coming up with creative and novel ideas. We also learned about how we can evaluate the feasibility of our projects, which we will use to design more concise and descriptive plans to aid our project management and goals.

What's next for COVOID

We plan to implement more complicated algorithms, for example: ML, to determine the best location could lead to even better and safer results.