This is an example mavenized blackboard project that uses B2DeployTask to deploy to a blackboard instance.
Deploying is as easy as mvn install antrun:run
Compare that one maven command with vanilla eclipse development:
- Export Project to war
- Navigate to blackboard
- Login
- Navigate to System Admin > Building Blocks > Installed Tools > Upload Building Blocks
- Click Browse and then find the war file
- Click Submit
Finally, make deployment even easier by Integrating maven with eclipse:
- Right click on the Project in the Project Explorer
- Click
Run as
>Maven Build ALT+SHIFT+X, m
- Type
install antrun:run
in the Goals field - Click Run.
Then a simple ALT+R, T, 1
will run the last maven invocation which makes reploys even easier!
NOTE: deploying using justplainwiley's b2deploy-task is dependent on bb-starting-block-123.war