
Swift version of EasyIOS

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EasyIOS For Swift

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Star is the Best Way to Support EasyIOS !

DEMO Video



  • MVVM : Model-View-ViewModel inspired by Functional Reactive Programming
  • HTML To Native : Transform HTML&CSS to Native Control,
  • DataBinding : We can use the SwiftBond to Bind the data via swift,and use the EZViewModel to Bind the data via html.example {{title}}
  • Reflect Cocoa Touch : Reflect all the Cocoa Touch Api ,we can use the Cocoa Touch Api via HTML
  • AutoLayout : The HTML layout based on the AutoLayout
  • Live Load : Edit the HTML and the view in smulator will update automaticly without rebuild your app
  • Cryptographic HTML : To make the HTML be safety,we provide the AES Encryption to encrypt the HTML
  • URLManager : Push or Present the Controller by the custom URL
  • Elegant PullToRefresh : Add PullToRefresh or InfiniteScrolling by HTML

HTML To Native

  • UITableView With PullReflash
    • align,margin to control the AutoLayout of the UIView
    • pull-to-refresh="handlePullRefresh." ,infinite-scrolling="handleInfinite. PullFooter" to add the PullRefresh or InfiniteScrolling .
    • handlePullRefresh. handle the event by func handlePullRefresh (tableView:UITableView) ,you can define it by yourself.
    • PullFooter can load the custom PullReflashView
    <div id="tableview" align="64 0 0 0" content-inset="{0,0,0,0}" type="UITableView"  estimated-row-height="100"  separator-style="None" pull-to-refresh="handlePullRefresh." infinite-scrolling="handleInfinite. PullFooter">
        <div align="0 0 0 0" type="cell" id="cell" >
            <img id="avatar" align="10 10 -10 *" clips-to-bounds="YES" width="45" height="45" layer_corner-radius="5" src="{{srcUrl}}" />
            <span align="top:2 avatar;right:-10" margin="left:12 avatar"  font="15 system" id="title">{{title}}</span>
            <span align="bottom:0 avatar;right:-10" margin="left:12 avatar" font="13 system" text-color="#ACACAC" id="subTitle" style="color:#ACACAC;" link-style="color:green;" >{{subTitle}}</span>
        <div type="section" id="bgView" background-color="#F2F1F6" >
            <span align="left:15;center-y:0" font="14 system">{{title}}</span>
  • UIScrollView With CSS
    • Use the CSS by @ for example @contentAlign.
    edge:0 0 0 0;left:0 root;right:0 root;
    <div align="0 0 0 0" type="UIScrollView" background-color="#F3F3F3">
        <div align="@contentAlign">
            <img id="logo" image="login-logo" user-interaction-enabled="YES" present="demo://login" align="center-x:0;top:110;"/>
            <div id="username" layer_corner-radius="8" background-color="white" align="* 15 * -15" margin="top:30 logo" height="45">
                <input class="userTextField" id="userTextField" align="edge:10 10 -10 -10;" placeholder-style="@inputStyle" keyboard-type="EmailAddress" style="@inputStyle" placeholder="上面的logo可以被点击"/>
            <div id="password" layer_corner-radius="8" background-color="white" align="* 15 * -15" margin="top:13 username" height="45">
                <input id="passwordTextField" secure-text-entry="YES" align="10 10 -10 -10" placeholder="密码" placeholder-style="@inputStyle" style="@inputStyle" />
            <button id="submit" style="color:white;font-size:20;" background-color="#3FBCFB" align="* 15 -10 -15" margin="top:25 password" height="45" layer_corner-radius="8" onEvent="touch-up-inside:login">登陆</button>
  • HTML Label and reusable html
    • @import(LabelHtml) to import the LabelHtml.xml
    • When span set style="color:#ACACAC;font-size:18px;" node ,we can use the origin html inner the span tag.
    <!--支持css 样式设置,html中利用@的方式进行调用-->
        edge:0 0 0 0;left:0 root;right:0 root;

    <div align="0 0 0 0" type="UIScrollView" background-color="#F3F3F3">
        <div align="@contentAlign">
            <span align="64 0 0 0" style="color:#ACACAC;font-size:18px;" link-style="color:green;" number-of-lines="0">
                <!--import the xml -->
  • UICollectionView with FlowLayout
    <div id="collectionView" align="0 0 0 0" type="UICollectionView" flow-layout="scroll-direction:Vertical;item-size:{300,50};section-inset:{3,3,0,3};minimum-interitem-spacing:3;minimum-line-spacing:3" content-inset="{64,0,0,0}" background-color="white" pull-to-refresh="handlePullRefresh." infinite-scrolling="handleInfinite.">
        <div align="0 0 0 0" type="cell"  id="cell"  background-color="red">
            <span align="10 10 -10 -10" font="10 system">{{name}}</span>


The MVVM based on the Swift binding framework SwiftBond

Bond is a Swift binding framework that takes binding concept to a whole new level - boils it down to just one operator. It's simple, powerful, type-safe and multi-paradigm - just like Swift.



To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Demo directory first.


  • Swift
  • IOS8


EasyIOS-Swift is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '8.0'
pod "EasyIOS-Swift"

import the EasyIOS

import EasyIOS


zhuchao, zhuchao@iosx.me


EasyIOS-Swift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.