
Live web app: video demo: Koala mini project requirements


Create a small web-app which allows users to arrange sticky notes on a canvas.

Term definitions

Sticky note: A fixed size box with a colored background that contains text.

Minimal feature-set

A user should be able to:

-> Add a sticky note anywhere on the screen. -> Drag and drop a sticky note to a new location. -> Delete a sticky note. -> Set the text contained in a sticky note (either at creation or after). -> Clear the canvas of all sticky notes.

Bonus features

-> Color: Add ability to change the color of a sticky note. -> Drawing: Add ability to draw anywhere on the canvas (super bonus if you add ability to erase). -> Images: Add ability to upload images to the canvas.

Mega Bonus features

-> Collaboration: Share the link of the canvas with a peer. Both peers can edit the same canvas in real-time. -> Persistence: Persist the state of the board when it is modified and restore it when the user opens the same link again.


  1. You can use code found online (we will check) but you will have to be able to thoroughly explain it.
  2. You can use any technology you want, the only requirement is that it is web based.
  3. When you are done, please share the link to the repository with me with instructions for how to run it.