
A NodeJS based microservice for storing, compressing and managing access for images

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This is a NodeJS image storage solution that is meant to be run as a microservice with docker. It stores images direclty on the filesysten and keeps metadata (owner and access list) in a CouchDB database. It handles converting, resizing and compressing images via the sharp library. It uses a jwt token in a jwt_cookie for authentication and is meant to be used along side the jwt_issuer microservice. The jwt_cookie cookie name can customized using the files in the misc directory.

Starting docker containers

In order to start the docker containers, run:

  1. ./makedirs.sh
  2. docker-compose build
  3. docker-compose up


GET Routes

  • GET /liveliness - returns current liveliness information about the application.

  • GET /get/private/{imageID} - loads the image requested image if the user has permission to view it. This route checks user permissions by reading a jwt_token cookie. Learn more about it by reading the readme.md in /misc.

  • GET /get/public/{imageID} - loads the image requested without checking the jwt_token cookie.

  • GET /get/private/{imageID}/{size} - same as /get/private/{imageID}, but rescales the image to the desired {size} (note that this will not crop the photo, it will rescale it to be contained withing the specified size). The size paramater should be a string of format {Size_X}x{Size_Y} where {Size_X} and {Size_Y} are positive integers, e.g.: 500x500, 123456789x123456789.

  • GET /get/public/{imageID}/{size} - same as /get/private/{imageID}/{size}, but without checking for the jwt_cookie.

  • GET /get/imageData/byOwner - returns the image IDs for the images the request sender owns. This is determined by the user ID in the jwt token, so a jwt_cookie is required.

  • GET /get/imageData/byImageId/{imageID} - returns the image metadata if the request sender has access to the image - this is determined by using the using the request jwt token, so a jwt_cookie is required.

PUT Routes

  • PUT /put/private - this route expects form-data in the Body of the request - this form should have a file key that has the image file that should be uploaded. This route expects a jwt_cookie as it sets the image owner based on the information in the cookie.

  • PUT /put/public - this route is functionally identical to the /put/ptivate with the addition that it sets the visibility of the picture as public.

  • POST /put/private/{imageID} - this route is used for setting the view permissions of a private image. It expects a json body of the format:

	"accessList": [id1, id2, ..., idN]

There is no limit of the number of viewers set in the accessList. Sending this request will overwrite any previous items in the accessList. This route requires a jwt_token cookie in order to authenticate the owner of the image. Only the owner of a particular image can make changes to its accessList.


  • DELETE /delete/private/{imageID} - This route is used for deleting images. A jwt_cookie is needed at this route to authenticate the image owner

  • DELETE /delete/public/{imageID} - This route is identical to the /delete/private/{imageID} route.

Local development

To start this application, cd into src and execute node index.js (don't forget to run npm ci beforehand!). The application needs a connection to CouchDB - set one up in the database_settings.json file in /misc. You can run a local instance of CouchDB with docker by using this command:

docker run -p 5984:5984 -d --name my-couchdb -e COUCHDB_USER=admin -e COUCHDB_PASSWORD=password couchdb:3

The jwt_cookie

Eventhough it is possible to customize the name of the jwt_cookie using the configuration files in the misc directory, the application still requires the jwt_token to follow this format:

	"userID": {Id of the user, prefebly a string or int},
	"issued": {JS Date compatible time format},
	"expires": {JS Date compatible time format}