
Archives the number of doms in the website every day, using GitHub Actions

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Archives the number of doms in the website every day, using GitHub Actions.

Last updated at 2024-05-10T01:22:53.157Z

url doms
https://live.com 4106
https://www.yahoo.com 3774
https://zoom.us 3229
https://www.sina.com.cn 3078
https://www.shopify.com 2067
http://xinhuanet.com 1878
https://www.csdn.net 1667
https://www.360.cn 1536
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page 1327
https://www.wikipedia.org 1015
https://www.microsoft.com 993
https://www.office.com 964
https://www.baidu.com/s?ie=UTF-8&wd=justjavac 888
https://www.okezone.com 702
https://www.netflix.com 592
https://www.jd.com/?country=USA 568
https://www.sohu.com 518
https://www.qq.com 502
https://www.youtube.com 420
https://www.google.com/search?q=justjavac 352
https://www.baidu.com 304
https://www.facebook.com 204
https://taobao.com 193
https://www.instagram.com 177
https://vk.com 95
https://www.google.com 93
https://www.amazon.com 60
https://www.tmall.com 26
https://www.alipay.com 12
https://weibo.com 8
https://www.reddit.com -1
https://panda.tv -1
http://microsoftonline.com -1

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how_many_doms is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.