
ExpressionEngine 2 plugin for displaying all images from directory on server

Primary LanguagePHP

Outputs all images onto page from a directory/folder on your server

Use as follows:

Place pi.image_directory.php file within system/expressionengine/third_party/image_directory folder, so it will be:


If image_directory folder does not exist, create it.

{exp:image_directory directory="path/to/folder/" img_ext="jpg" date_format=""}
  {if image_count == 0}<ul>{/if}
	  <li><img src="{image_url}">{filename}, size: {filesize}, modified on {modified_on}</img></li>
  {if image_count == total_images}</ul>{/if}


directory (required) - path starts at web root of your website, so it begins at the same level that your system folder does,
also do not start the path with a '/' at the beginning, only at the end '/', as seen above in the directory parameter

img_ext (required) - extensions supports gif, jpg, jpeg, png

date_format (optional) = php date format, this is to format the {modified_on} variable


image_url - relative path to where file resides
filename - filename.ext, example: image.jpg
filesize - size in bytes
modified_on - modified date of file, default date: November 11, 2011 11:00 am
image_count - current count of row
total_images - total number of images

* if you get an error or nothing displays, be sure to check the path you passed to the directory parameter