
Crypto trading tool

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



A Crypto trading tool to calculate optimal buy/sell positions and records day-to-day profits.

Getting Started

This program utilizes Python3 and some common libraries/frameworks.

Packages/frameworks needed to run on local machine:

- numpy
- pandas


If you already have the packages mentioned above, you can skip this section.

I use a Mac so the following resources for installation will be Mac specific but the same idea can be applied for Windows.

1. Install PIP

To get Python libraries, first install pip or pip3 for Python3. For new users with Macs, this article does a good job of explaining how this is done, as well as other useful tools.

Type following into terminal:

$ curl -O http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py
$ python distribute_setup.py
$ curl -O https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py
$ python get-pip.py

2. Install Libraries

To install Python libraries, pip (or pip3 for Python3) will be used.

Type the following into terminal:

pip install numpy

You can substitute the name of the specific library with each one mentioned earlier until completed.

Set Up

CSV Files Needed:

price.csv #Enter the current price values
profits.csv #Current profits


Run the refactored file:

Type the following into your terminal.

python3 swingtrade_rfctr.py

Follow terminal commands and you are set.

Future Implementations

Some future implementations for this project in the works:

1. API Integration to get data from exchanges
2. Auto-Trading
3. More sophisticated trading algorithms


I must tip my hat off to owners of any code, frameworks, media used that I do not own.