based on angl by @tehn and the engine/script, glut by @artfwo
load samples via param menu.
mangl is a 7 track granular sample player.
arc ring 1 = speed
arc ring 2 = pitch
arc ring 3 = grain size
arc ring 4 = density
norns key1 = alt
norns key2 = enable/disable voice
norns enc1 = track volume
norns enc3 = nav
holding alt and turning a ring, or pressing a button, performs a secondary function.
alt + ring1 = scrub
alt + ring2 = fine tune
alt + ring3 = spread
alt + ring4 = jitter
alt + key2 = loop in/out
alt + key3 = loop clear
alt + enc1 = filter cutoff
alt + enc2 = delay send
nb: loop in/out is set in one button press. loop in on press, loop out on release.