
Dot files and configuration for NixOS

Primary LanguagePython

Note: This is still work in progress. At the moment just a dumping ground for all my configs along with some notes that make sense just to me.

wpa_supplicant -B -i wlp0s20f3 -c <(wpa_passphrase 'SSID' 'PASSWORD')

Stuff to do

  • run bootstrap.sh as venkatn user
  • update sensitive information
    • rclone token
    • jbinance api key and secret
    • polybar youtube api key
    • polybar weather api key
  • sync_from_cloud
  • lxappearance
    • Font = Roboto 11
    • Theme = Adapta Nokto Eta
  • betterlockscreen -u ~/.background-image --blur 1.0
  • install vscode extension
    • j-james.adapta-nokto-vscode
    • Nix by Baptist BENOIST
  • gnucash > preferences > Numbers, Date, Time > Force Prices to display as decimals
  • bw login
  • "keyctl link @u @s" needs to be executed at startup