This cheat sheet was created by the Just Mobile Security team to facilitate information for internal training practices. In the spirit of collaboration with the mobile security community, we are sharing it and hope to receive feedback to continue enhancing its content. Thank you! Just Mobile Security Team
- ADB Commands
- Package Manager Commands
- Keytool, Apksigner, and Zipalign
- MOBSF Docker
- Rooting Pixel Devices
- Activity Manager
- Jadx
- Apktool
- Unity Tools
- Frida
- Burp Certificate Installation (System)
- Bundle Signing & Installing - Uber APK Signer + ADB PM
- Nuclei
- R2 (Radare2)
- Jailbreak
- File Transfer
- Getting the binary & binary information
- App Provisioning Profile
- Ipa Installation
- libimobiledevice
- SSL Pinning
- Additional Jailbreaks
- Installing Frida
- Nuclei
- R2 (Radare)
- Frida