Supported Devices

Android 5+


  • After tapping a song, a media player would show up from the bottom and start playing the preview for that song.
  • The media player can only play and pause.
  • The media player is hidden until a song is clicked, and will stay on screen until a different artist is searched.
  • When a song is being played, the song is highlighted in a lighter color.
  • Performing a new search will not stop playback

Build Requirements

  • git 2+
  • node 12.8.4
  • yarn 1.22.10
  • watchman (if on macos)
  • jdk 1.8.0_282
  • Android Studio 3.0+

Running on Emulator/Device

cd itunes-player
yarn android


cd itunes-player
yarn build

# apk location
ls android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk

# install
adb install android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk
# or upload to Google PlayStore