
Adds the X-Powered-By header to your Django site

Primary LanguagePython

Django X Power

Authors: Justin Quick <justquick@gmail.com>
Version: 0.1
pip install django-xpower==0.1.0

Django X Power is a simple middleware that adds the X-Powered-By header to any Django site.


Install the module using pip/easy_install or whatever you like then add in the middleware into your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES:



In your settings you may define the contents of the X-Powered-By header:

X_POWERED_BY = 'Django'

If you do not set this it will use the default which is Django/%(version)s where %(version)s is replaced with the version of Django that you are using.


An example project is provided so just run ./manage.py runserver and then you can confirm that it is working by running curl -i http://localhost:8000 | head. You should see something like this:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2010 15:40:59 GMT
Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.6.1
Content-Type: text/html
X-Powered-By: Django/1.2.1 SVN-13336


Some alternatives for the header contents:

  • Ponies with magical powers
  • Who the fuck knows
  • A series of tubes
  • Perfectionists with deadlines
  • Opinionated developers