
Sentry error tracking for Gridsome projects

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Sentry plugin for error tracking in Gridsome projects

Make error tracking in your next Gridsome project easier than ever.


  • npm install gridsome-plugin-sentry --save
  • yarn add gridsome-plugin-sentry


Add the following to the gridsome.config.js to initallize Sentry error tracking

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      use: 'gridsome-plugin-sentry',
      options: {
        dsn: 'sentry.url',
        attachProps: true // defaults to true
  1. For a quick and easy test, add the following to any component that is included in your index page
mounted () {
  throw 'testing Sentry connection';
  1. Run npm run develop from the root directory
  2. Navigate to your Sentry dashboard and confirm the error was captured

Further Info

New to Sentry? Check out sentry.io

Configuration options and examples, docs.sentry.io