
Standings is a .NET-based API designed to streamline student, exam, and result management for educational institutions with secure, role-based access control.

Primary LanguageC#


StandingsAPI is a .NET Core API designed to manage and track standings in an educational context. It provides services for managing exams, students, results, roles, and user authentication, with a structured layer approach for better maintainability and scalability.

Project Structure

  • Standings.Application: Contains application logic, including DTOs, interfaces, services, and validation.
  • Standings.Domain: Holds the domain entities and database context configurations.
  • Standings.Infrastructure: Implements repositories and services for data persistence.
  • Standings.API: The presentation layer which exposes endpoints via controllers.


  • Authentication and Authorization: User registration, login, and role-based authorization.
  • Student Management: Create, update, retrieve, and delete student records.
  • Exam Management: Create, update, retrieve, and delete exams.
  • Result Tracking: Store and retrieve exam results for students.
  • Role and User Management: Handle user roles and permissions.


  • .NET 6.0 SDK
  • A database setup compatible with Entity Framework Core (e.g., SQL Server, PostgreSQL).

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone https://github.com/justshfarida/StandingsAPI.git
    cd StandingsAPI
  2. Configure Database
    Update the connection string in appsettings.json in Standings.API to point to your database.

  3. Run Migrations
    Run the following command to apply the initial database schema:

    dotnet ef database update --project Infrastructure/Standings.Persistence
  4. Build and Run the Application
    In the main project directory:

    dotnet build
    dotnet run --project Presentation/Standings.API

The API should now be running locally at https://localhost:5001.

API Endpoints

Below are some primary endpoints available in the API:

  • Authentication

    • POST /api/auth/login: User login.
    • POST /api/auth/register: Register a new user.
  • Student

    • GET /api/student/{id}: Get a student by ID.
    • POST /api/student: Create a new student.
  • Exam

    • GET /api/exam/{id}: Get an exam by ID.
    • POST /api/exam: Create a new exam.
  • Result

    • GET /api/result/{id}: Get result by ID.
    • POST /api/result: Record a new result.
  • Roles and Users

    • GET /api/user/{id}: Get a user by ID.
    • POST /api/role: Create a new role.


  • .NET 6.0 - Core framework for building the API.
  • Entity Framework Core - ORM for database access.
  • Automapper - For object-to-object mapping.
  • JWT - For secure token-based authentication.


  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a feature branch.
  3. Commit your changes.
  4. Push to the branch.
  5. Open a pull request.

Note: For detailed API documentation, refer to the Swagger documentation available at https://localhost:5001/swagger when the application is running.