
Un-f*ck your XML

Primary LanguageTypeScript

unfuxml 🛠✨

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Unfuxml is the best way to get usable JSON from XML.

Smart Object & Array Conversion

<Plan importance="high" logged="true">
  <title>Daily tasks</title>
  "plan": {
    "importance": "high",
    "logged": "true",
    "title": "Daily tasks",
    "todo": [ "Work", "Play" ],

The Problem

Most XML to JSON conversion libraries produce JSON which is less-than-clean, difficult-to-traverse, and verbose.

Hint: Hit the Play icon on the animation below:


An XML to JSON converter with configurable (practical) assumptions. And "escape hatches" where appropriate.

Unfuxml features:

  • One-way conversion.
  • De-nesting of XML's excess nesting.
  • Key/Node name transformation.
    • Camel-cases by default.
    • Key rewriting function.
    • Removes namespace prefixes, customize the keyNameFunction option to override.
    • Configurable.
    • Supports dictionary for simple remapping of poorly named source data.
  • Included stats helper functions. Try import {getXmlToJsonStats} from 'unfuxml';
  • (Test out your XML using repl.it or runkit.com/new)


unfuxml(xml, options)

Example #1

import unfuxml from 'unfuxml';

const xmlString = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <State name="CA" />
  <State name="CO" />
  <State name="WA" />

const results = unfuxml(xmlString);

  stateList: [
    { name: 'CA' },
    { name: 'CO' },
    { name: 'WA' },

Example #2

Ensure certain named nodes containing a single-Element can be treated as an array.

Enabled by the alwaysArray: ['StateList'] option.

import lodash from 'lodash';
import unfuxml from 'unfuxml';

const xmlString = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <State name="CA" />

console.log(unfuxml(xmlString, {
  alwaysArray: ['StateList'],
{ stateList: [ { name: 'CA' } ] }

// Without the `alwaysArray` option, single-Element
//   containing nodes are treated as singular objects.
console.log(unfuxml(xmlString, {
  alwaysArray: false, // Disable by default.
{ stateList: { name: 'CA' } }

Example #3 (w/ Options)

import lodash from 'lodash';
import unfuxml from 'unfuxml';
import {promises as fs} from 'fs';

(async () => {
  const xmlString = await fs.readFile(path.resolve('./input.xml'), 'utf8');
  const results = unfuxml(xmlString, {
    alwaysArray: ['StateList'],
    unwrapLists: false,
    keyNameFunction: (keyName: string) => lodash.snakeCase(keyName),
  stateList: [
    { name: 'CA' },
    { name: 'CO' },
    { name: 'WA' },

Input & Output Samples

Sample: Hotel Query

Hotel Rates Transaction: XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Transaction timestamp="2020-07-23T16:20:00-04:00" id="42">
    <Baserate currency="USD">3196.1</Baserate>
    <Tax currency="USD">559.49</Tax>
    <OtherFees currency="USD">543.34</OtherFees>
        <Baserate currency="USD">3196.1</Baserate>
        <Tax currency="USD">559.49</Tax>
        <OtherFees currency="USD">543.34</OtherFees>
        <Baserate currency="USD">3196.1</Baserate>
        <Tax currency="USD">559.49</Tax>
        <OtherFees currency="USD">543.34</OtherFees>
        <Baserate currency="USD">3196.1</Baserate>
        <Tax currency="USD">559.49</Tax>
        <OtherFees currency="USD">543.34</OtherFees>
        <Baserate currency="USD">3196.1</Baserate>
        <Tax currency="USD">559.49</Tax>
        <OtherFees currency="USD">543.34</OtherFees>
        <Baserate currency="USD">3196.1</Baserate>
        <Tax currency="USD">559.49</Tax>
        <OtherFees currency="USD">543.34</OtherFees>
JSON Results
  "transaction": {
    "id": "42",
    "timestamp": "2020-07-23T16:20:00-04:00",
    "result": {
      "property": 1234,
      "checkin": "2021-01-13",
      "nights": 9,
      "baserate": { "currency": "USD", "value": 3196.1 },
      "tax": { "currency": "USD", "value": 559.49 },
      "otherFees": { "currency": "USD", "value": 543.34 },
      "occupancy": 2,
      "rates": {
        "rate": [
            "baserate": { "currency": "USD", "value": 3196.1 },
            "otherFees": { "currency": "USD", "value": 543.34 },
            "tax": { "currency": "USD", "value": 559.49 },
            "occupancy": 1
            "baserate": { "currency": "USD", "value": 3196.1 },
            "otherFees": { "currency": "USD", "value": 543.34 },
            "tax": { "currency": "USD", "value": 559.49 },
            "occupancy": 3
            "baserate": { "currency": "USD", "value": 3196.1 },
            "otherFees": { "currency": "USD", "value": 543.34 },
            "tax": { "currency": "USD", "value": 559.49 },
            "occupancy": 4
            "baserate": { "currency": "USD", "value": 3196.1 },
            "otherFees": { "currency": "USD", "value": 543.34 },
            "tax": { "currency": "USD", "value": 559.49 },
            "occupancy": 5
            "baserate": { "currency": "USD", "value": 3196.1 },
            "otherFees": { "currency": "USD", "value": 543.34 },
            "tax": { "currency": "USD", "value": 559.49 },
            "occupancy": 6

Sample: Hotel Property Data Set

Hotel Property Data Set: XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Transaction timestamp="2017-07-18T16:20:00-04:00" id="42">
  <!-- A transaction message with room types result. -->
        <Text text="Single room" language="en"/>
        <Text text="Chambre simple" language="fr"/>
        <Text text="A single room" language="en"/>
        <Text text="Le chambre simple" language="fr"/>
          <Text text="Living area" language="en"/>
          <Text text="Le chambre" language="fr"/>
        <Text text="Double room" language="en"/>
        <Text text="Chambre double" language="fr"/>
          text="Refundable Room with Breakfast"
          text="Chambre remboursable avec le petit déjeuner"
        <Text text="Continental Breakfast" language="en"/>
        <Text text="Petit déjeuner continental" language="fr"/>
      <Refundable available="1" refundable_until_days="3"/>
        <Text text="Nonrefundable" language="en"/>
        <Text text="Non remboursable" language="fr"/>
        <Text text="Blah blah blad" language="en"/>
        <Text text="Le blah blah blad" language="fr"/>
      <Refundable available="0"/>
JSON Results
  "transaction": {
    "id": "42",
    "timestamp": "2017-07-18T16:20:00-04:00",
    "propertyDataSet": {
      "property": 12345,
      "roomData": [
          "roomId": "single",
          "name": {
            "text": [
              { "text": "Single room", "language": "en" },
              { "text": "Chambre simple", "language": "fr" }
          "description": {
            "text": [
              { "text": "A single room", "language": "en" },
              { "text": "Le chambre simple", "language": "fr" }
          "photoUrl": [
              "url": "http://www.foo.com/static/bar/image1234.jpg",
              "caption": {
                "text": [
                  { "text": "Living area", "language": "en" },
                  { "text": "Le chambre", "language": "fr" }
              "url": "http://www.foo.com/static/bar/image1235.jpg"
          "capacity": 2
          "roomId": "double",
          "name": {
            "text": [
              { "text": "Double room", "language": "en" },
              { "text": "Chambre double", "language": "fr" }
          "occupancy": 1
      "packageData": [
          "packageId": "refundbreakfast",
          "name": {
            "text": [
              { "text": "Refundable Room with Breakfast", "language": "en" },
              { "text": "Chambre remboursable avec le petit déjeuner", "language": "fr" }
          "description": {
            "text": [
              { "text": "Continental Breakfast", "language": "en" },
              { "text": "Petit déjeuner continental", "language": "fr" }
          "chargeCurrency": "hotel",
          "refundable": { "available": "1", "refundableUntilDays": "3" },
          "breakfastIncluded": 1
          "packageId": "prepaid",
          "name": {
            "text": [
              { "text": "Nonrefundable", "language": "en" },
              { "text": "Non remboursable", "language": "fr" }
          "description": {
            "text": [
              { "text": "Blah blah blad", "language": "en" },
              { "text": "Le blah blah blad", "language": "fr" }
          "occupancy": 2,
          "chargeCurrency": "web",
          "refundable": { "available": "0" } }

Sample: Hotel Rate Modification

Hotel Rate Modification: XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <HotelRateModifications hotel_id="123" action="overlay">
    <ItineraryRateModification id="35725" action="delete">
          days_of_week="M" />
          days_of_week="M" />
      <BookingWindow min="integer" max="integer" />
          days_of_week="M" />
          days_of_week="M" />
        <Device type="desktop" />
      <LengthOfStay min="integer" max="integer" />
      <MinimumAmount before_discount="integer" />
        <RatePlan id="PackageID_1" />
        <RatePlan id="PackageID_2" />
        <RoomType id="RoomID_1" />
        <RoomType id="RoomID_2" />
      <StayDates application="all">
          days_of_week="M" />
      <UserCountries type="include">
        <Country code="USA" />
        <PriceAdjustment multiplier="float" />
        <RateRule id="9876" />
          refundable_until_time="time" />
        <Availability status="unavailable" />
JSON Results
  "rateModifications": {
    "id": "B78BA3ED-31C5-44D7-80F7-69E12AEAA1BD",
    "partner": "partner_key",
    "timestamp": "timestamp",
    "hotelRateModifications": {
      "hotelId": "hotel-id-123-abc",
      "action": "overlay",
      "itineraryRateModification": {
        "id": "357238795",
        "action": "delete",
        "bookingDates": {
          "dateRange": [
            { "start": "2030-04-15", "end": "2030-04-15", "daysOfWeek": "M" },
            { "start": "2030-04-15", "end": "2030-04-15", "daysOfWeek": "M" }
        "bookingWindow": { "min": "integer", "max": "integer" },
        "checkinDates": {
          "dateRange": { "start": "2030-04-15", "end": "2030-04-15", "daysOfWeek": "M" }
        "checkoutDates": {
          "dateRange": { "start": "2030-04-15", "end": "2030-04-15", "daysOfWeek": "M" }
        "devices": { "device": { "type": "desktop" } },
        "lengthOfStay": { "min": "integer", "max": "integer" },
        "minimumAmount": { "beforeDiscount": "integer" },
        "ratePlans": { "ratePlan": [ { "id": "PackageID_1" }, { "id": "PackageID_2" }] },
        "roomTypes": { "roomType": [ { "id": "RoomID_1" }, { "id": "RoomID_2" }] },
        "stayDates": {
          "dateRange": { "start": "2030-04-15", "end": "2030-04-15", "daysOfWeek": "M" },
          "application": "all"
        "userCountries": { "country": { "code": "USA" }, "type": "include" },
        "modificationActions": {
          "priceAdjustment": { "multiplier": "float" },
          "rateRule": { "id": "9876" },
          "refundable": {
            "available": "false",
            "refundableUntilDays": "1",
            "refundableUntilTime": "time"
          "availability": { "status": "unavailable" }


[x] ~~~Support De-nesting Common Object-Array Patterns~~~

// ❌ Instead of this:
{ "propertyDataSet": { "propertyData": [ {} ] } }
// âś… Should instead collapse to a single set/array
{ "propertyDataSet": [ {} ] }


Xml Hell

Potentially Lossy Situations

  • Representing: Multiple CDATA siblings co-mingled with Nodes in a Node List.
  • Heavy reliance on namespaces. AKA Tag Name collisions when ignoring prefixes (the bit before the :.)