
A lightweight React + Redux + CRUD web application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Zoo

Add, edit, and remove animals to a zoo easily!

Source: github.com/justyn-clark/ReactZoo

Author: Justyn Clark

Production: http://reactzoo.surge.sh/ (fully responsive for desktop and mobile)

Run the site

  1. Clone the project. git clone https://github.com/justyn-clark/ReactZoo.git
  2. Install local dependancies. run [sudo] yarn install (first time users)
  3. Run the project. yarn serve This will run the automated build process, start up a webserver, and open the application in your default browser. When doing development with this project, this command will continue watching all your files

*ReduxDevTools are installed so you can view the Redux Store, State and Actions in your browser LIVE on Production

Application Tech Features

These are some of the main features and modern technologies used:

  • Webpack build for auto-compilation and auto-minification of CSS and JavaScript files for production
  • React with the latest JavaScript ES6/7/8 features
  • BEM - Block Element Modifier method as style convention for CSS naming
  • Flexbox display for page layouts
  • HTML5 framework and HTML5 semantics
  • Baseline HTML5 features, DNS prefetching, responsive meta
  • Encourages one-file CSS/JS in the view (HTML) for performance
  • Extremely lightweight footprint

Form Features

  • Text (Name) 
  • Select (Species) 
  • Date (Entry Date)
  • Checkbox for text w/ money validation (Maintenance Cost)   
  • Ability to reset/clear form
  • Placeholders
  • Redux CRUD for one entity
  • console.log of data saved when adding item
  • No UI kit. All custom styling

Project Structure

 |-- .babelrc
 |-- .gitignore
 |-- README.md
 |-- package.json
 |-- webpack.config.js
 |-- yarn.lock
 |-- public
 |   |-- bundle.js
 |   |-- index.html
 |-- src
     |-- app.js
     |-- actions
     |   |-- animals.js
     |-- components
     |   |-- AddAnimal.js
     |   |-- Animal.js
     |   |-- AnimalForm.js
     |   |-- AnimalList.js
     |   |-- Animals.js
     |   |-- EditAnimal.js
     |   |-- Header.js
     |   |-- NotFound.js
     |-- reducers
     |   |-- animals.js
     |   |-- filters.js
     |-- routers
     |   |-- AppRouter.js
     |-- selectors
     |-- store
     |   |-- store.js
     |-- styles
         |-- styles.scss
         |-- base
         |   |-- base.scss
         |   |-- settings.scss
         |-- components
             |-- buttons.scss
             |-- container.scss
             |-- form.scss
             |-- header.scss