Datasets and source codes for paper "Is Multi-Hop Reasoning Really Explainable? Towards Benchmarking Reasoning Interpretability"

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Datasets for EMNLP 2021 paper Is Multi-Hop Reasoning Really Explainable? Towards Benchmarking Reasoning Interpretability


Unpack the data files

unzip WD15K.zip

and there will be four files under the folder WD15K.

# training set

# valid set

# test set

# Interpretability score for every rules in our A-benchmark

Data format

Each section separated by the blank line represents the relevant part of a rule. For each section, the first row is the rule and the corresponding interpretability score, and the remaining rows are the paths and the corresponding interpretability scores. If the section contains only rules without paths, it means that the interpretability score of the rule comes from AnyBURL (ref to Table 2 in our paper).



If you use the code, please cite this paper:

Xin Lv, Yixin Cao, Lei Hou, Juanzi Li, Zhiyuan Liu, Yichi Zhang, Zelin Dai. Is Multi-Hop Reasoning Really Explainable? Towards Benchmarking Reasoning Interpretability. The Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2021).