
emacs config file for me

Primary LanguageYASnippet

config of my emacs

to use this config :

git clone https://github.com/juteman/konfig_emacs.git  ~/.emacs.d

about c/c++ setting

now I find maybe LSP is the best for c++ on emacs. i used to use irony gtags. but now I use lsp-mode to do code completion and so on. the servers i use is ccls when you use this config,you should build ccls first. or you can’t use c/c++ config.

when read the linux source code and other huge source code

I find that use lsp is hard to read the hugo source code. the best way I think is to use the old ways – tags. So download gnu global, and use emacs or use htags to view code in staic website

about python


pip install 'python-language-server[all]'

add the lsp of python.then enjoy it.


press f8 to open the file tree