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Random numbers are too important to be ignored. I wonder why is it not studied in my undergraduate course? Is it too hard? Is it too obvious (hell no!)? Or it is well understood (probably but not to fresh college students)?

One of my favorite sentences while reading the RNG chapter in The Art of Computer Programming

Random numbers should not be generated with a method chosen at random. Some theory should be used.

Notes from reading the chapters

Linear Congruential Method

Most of the today's random number generators are of the form of the following scheme introduced by D. H. Lehmer in 1949.

X_(n+1) = (a*X_n+c) mod m


m, the modulus                  m > 0
a, the multiplier               0 <= a < m
c, the increment                0 <= c < m
X_0, the starting value (seed)  0 <= X_0 < m

The X_n are the random numbers from this sequence. The modulus will constraint the range of X_n to be within [0, m), and we can derive other types of random numbers using this as a starting point.

The choice of the above parameters affects the nature of the generated sequence greatly. For example, when c is 0, it is a special case when the algorithm generates the numbers quicker than when c is not 0. Furthermore, the term multiplicative congruential method is used to refer the scheme when c is 0.

Multiplicative Congruential Method

It is obvious that X_0 cannot be 0 in this case. And the new scheme becomes

X_(n+1) = a*X_n mod m

Which is equivalent to

X_n = a^n*X_0 mod m

Therefore the period for this is essentially the smallest k which

a^k = 1 mod m

Euler's Theorem states that if a and m are coprime, then

a^(phi(m)) = 1 mod m

Where phi(m) is Euler's Totient function. For prime ms, we know that phi(m) is m-1. For as that have k = phi(m) we know that the sequence will have the period of m, such as are called a primitive root modulo m. If we are solely interested in long period sequences, we shall use an m that has primitive roots and one of its primitive roots.

This can be achieved by taking an m which is 1, 2, 4 or of the form 2^x*p^y, where p is an odd prime 0 <= x <= 1 and y >= 1.

Provided the simplicity of this algorithm, it is considered to be generating numbers that don't pass the Spectral Test. One famous example for this algorithm in practice is the RANDU machine from IBM.

Mixed Congruential Method

The real power for the congruential method comes into play when c != 0. The goal for random number generations is usually have better speed, period and randomness. Taking modulus of a large number can be inefficient, so the choice of m can affect how quickly we can generate the sequence. We shall cover the way we assess the randomness of a sequence later in these notes.

Choice of Modulus

The choice of modulus m will directly affect the sequence's period and the speed of sequence generation. One convenient choice for it can be 2^32 because it is the size of a word on a machine and modulo arithmetics can be optimised in this case. To see more discussions on this topic, go to in TAOCP.

Choise of Multiplier

Having chosen m, we only have that many options to choose a. To choose a where we achieve the period of length m, we need to have the help from Theorem A

c is coprime to m
b = a-1 is multiple of p, for every prime p dividing m
b is a multiple of 4, if m is a multiple of 4

Confused? See more confusing proofs in of TAOCP.


Just to make the things more complicated, long period does not mean that the sequence generated is random enough. Here we will introduce the concept of potency. For linear congruential sequences with maximum period is the least positive integer s such that

b^s = 0 mod m

Where b = a-1

We know that such s exists, since b is a multiple of every prime dividing m. In order to have sufficiently randomness, we usually require the array of numbers to have at least potency of 5.

Verification of Randomness

Needs to be done. Too lazy to do it now.


  • Random number generators in Chapters 3.1, 3.2 of The Art of Computer Programming
  • Tricks about testing random numbers in Chapter 3.3 of The Art of Computer Programming
  • Multiplicative congruential method from Math Explorers' Club
  • LFSR
  • Golang rng source


This is a project from my Project52.