Created with command rails new rails-template --database=postgresql --skip-turbolinks --webpack=react --skip_coffee
Things you need to install to run this project:
- Ruby >= 2.6.5
- Node >= 13.2.0
- PostgreSQL 12.1
apt-get update
apt-get postgresql postgresql-contrib postgresql-server-dev-all cmake node libpq-dev
gem install bundler
brew update
brew install postgres node
gem install bundler
bundle install
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
bin/rails db:setup
Run the local server at http://localhost:3000 with:
bundle exec rails serve
Check code style with:
bundle exec rubocop
Run tests with:
bundle exec rails test
Use guard to run tests and check code style as you code:
bundle exec guard
You can check test coverage information by running the test suite and looking into coverage/
bundle exec rails test
open coverage/index.html
We're using Heroku as Staging environment. Take a look in the documentation to setup Heroku in your machine.
git push heroku master
heroku run rails db:migrate
This project come with some defaults preconfigured:
Active Admin
This is an administration framework that automatically generate scaffold UIs. Take a look in the docs.
To register new models use:
rails generate active_admin:resource [ModelName]
This creates a file at app/admin/model_names.rb
for configuring the resource.
Refresh the web browser to see the interface.
It has Devise installed and configured with User
model, i18n files and the
internationalized views for English and Brazilian Portuguese.
Go to Model documentation to see the available model configurations and Controller documentation to see the avaliable configurations for controllers.
RSpec is installer and configured. All tests are located on the spec
It also comes with faker, factory boy,
shoulda-matchers, database_rewinder, ruby-prof, timecop, vcr, webmock,
[simplecov] support.
Code Quality
is configured with default Ruby and Rails linting and best practices. Take a look in all
Rals cops available.
is configured to support live file reloads for Rails, RSpec and Rubocop.
Config for Danger with support for SimpleCov. Take a look on Dangerfile
for details.
Review your Dangerfile and change the checks for your needs. Also, config the needed environment variables
in your CI:
Take a look in the project documentation.
Run it with pronto run .
If you want to use Pronto in your CI, please config the needed environment variables. Bellow is an example:
PRONTO_PULL_REQUEST_ID: "$(echo $CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST | grep -o -E '[0-9]+')"
PRONTO_FORMAT: "%{msg} [%{runner}:%{level}]"
Take a look in the project documentation.