
Virginia Tech CS 6524 Deep Learning Course Assignments

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Deep Learning Course Assignments

Hi! this is a repository for maintaining my assignments for Virginia Tech CS 6524 Deep Learning Course, Fall 2020.
Feel free to explore!

Assignment Schedule

  • HW 1: Available Sep 7 Monday - Due Sep 17 Thursday: Linear classifier, MLP
  • HW 2: Available Sep 21 Monday - Due Oct 1 Thursday: CNN
  • HW 3: Available Oct 5 Monday - Due Oct 15 Thursday: CNN Applications
  • HW 4: Available Oct 19 Monday - Due Oct 29 Thursday: RNN
  • HW 5: Available Nov 2 Monday - Due Nov 12 Thursday: Generative models

Into the assignemnts:

Assignment 1

Created and trained different models on CIFAR10 using SGD and simple numpy
Models trained:

  1. Simple Model with SVMLoss
  2. Simple Model with SoftmaxLoss
  3. Multi-Layer Neural Networks

Did some analysis of the models:

  1. Analyse accuracies as function of different things like number of layers, activation function, etc.
  2. Visualize weights of models to see any patterns
  3. Loss plots

Improvements on the models using some techniques like hyperparameter search, cross-validation

NOTE: I will be updtating my version of the homework on this repository a week after the submission deadline to avoid any honor code violations.
I will post more details about the assignments here, as and when required.