
Nauclerus is a one-binary GUI app, written in Go, for managing and running Helm releases on Kubernetes. Nauclerus is the Latin word for ship master.

Primary LanguageGoMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


How to build

The preferred way to build the application is either using the Makefile's build target.

You should have golangci-lint installed in order to perform various quality checks.

The build has only been tested on go 1.19.

You can see every build targets simply running make with arguments. To generate the binary, run

make build

How to run

If you do not need to generate a binary, you can simply go run (or make run) the program and see the possible options.

$ go run cmd/nauclerus/main.go serve --help

Usage: nauclerus serve

Start the server

-h, --help         Show context-sensitive help.
-v, --verbose      Enable debug output ($NAUCLERUS_VERBOSE)

--debug        weither to enable debug mode ($NAUCLERUS_DEBUG)
-p, --port=8080    HTTP Port to listen to ($NAUCLERUS_PORT)


Run the app with --help to see configuration options. Most configuration controls are available as environment variables (useful in a docker context)


The project layout can be documented like this:

├── application             # application container
├── cli                     # CLI controllers, process command line arguments and start the program
├── cmd                     # main func entrypoints, not go gettable
├── http                    # HTTP controllers, process HTTP logic and routing
├── service                 # Business logic for this service
└── logger.go               # logging utils