
Small library for fetching/injecting graphql definitions

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Small library for fetching GraphQL definitions and interacting with a GraphQL server for both Clojure and ClojureScript.


Add the following dependency to your deps.edn file.

juxt/blip {:git/url "https://github.com/juxt/blip.git"
           :git/sha "ba6b5357bf679e2bd54da512bfbdd99da41d9616"
           :git/tag "0.2"}

Basic Usage

Use init function to get your actual query function and setup endpoint for making requests:

(:require [blip.core :as blip])
(def graphql-request
		"http://endpoint/query.graphql"     ;; It can be a local filename or remote URI
		"http://endpoint"                   ;; Your graphql server endpoint
		 {:headers {"Content-Type" "..."
	              "Accept" "text/html"}   ;; headers to use in requests, if necessary
      :debug false                      ;; Set it to `true` to see debugging messages

Execute query

(graphql-request "query-name" {:id "some-id"})

If you want to see a list of all the query names and functions, you can call blip/load-queries with your resource handle and headers (in case the graphql resource is hosted on a remote server and it's not a local file):

  queries "http://queryendpont/my-query.graphql"
          {:headers {"Accept" "text/html"}}))


If your graphql server is a site, you can use

(:require [blip.site :as blip-site])

Define init function

The site/init function takes graphql resource handle as a first argument and map containing query endpoint for making requests, and site authorization map to specify site authorization.

(def graphql-request
	 "http://queryedpoint/my-query.graphql" ;; can be a local filename or remote URI"
	 "http://queryendpoint" ;; your graphql server endpoint
	 {:site-auth {:endpoint "http://siteendpoint/_site/token" ;; site endpoint to retrieve a token
                  :username "username" }}))
	              :pass "pass"

Execute query

(graphql-request "query-name" {:id "some-id"})


Copyright © 2022 JUXT

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.