- 9
Fake time, using a `time/capsule`
#141 opened by onetom - 1
1.0 checklist
#135 opened by henryw374 - 2
Tick fails with most recent js-joda version
#192 opened by zilti - 3
- 1
weekday in case fails
#191 opened by awb99 - 5
State/clarify in the documentation if interval bounds are inclusive and/or exclusive
#148 opened by dcj - 2
- 2
- 3
tick/end seems inconsistent for different entities
#178 opened by henryw374 - 2
create cheatsheet
#187 opened by henryw374 - 2
Unexpected behavior of `t/date`
#189 opened by licht1stein - 5
missing tick/parse-long
#186 opened by cezarykosinski - 2
Advanced compilation gives a warning
#182 opened by brjann - 4
Help with example countdown timer
#181 opened by hjer - 1
[bug] tick/range missing last month
#175 opened by kwladyka - 2
.plusDays support through DST
#174 opened by juskrey - 1
- 19
Compiler error "no dispatch macro for: ?" in RC6
#170 opened by svdo - 1
duration multiply is missing
#156 opened by masterbuilder99 - 1
Can't divide by small durations
#172 opened by kimo-k - 3
- 3
Dependency bump for js-joda packages?
#166 opened by lowecg - 2
- 4
- 1
Compiler warning with new clojurescript version
#168 opened by archaic - 4
- 4
- 1
- 1
time formatter adding a year onto date
#159 opened by lowecg - 3
On macOS date formatter gives unexpected output for first two days in the year from 2021 onwards
#158 opened by transducer - 3
Support time subtraction to get a duration
#152 opened by rosejn - 1
- 1
Returns negative durations
#153 opened by rosejn - 2
- 2
- 2
- 2
Missing first-day-of-month from .api namespace
#122 opened by SevereOverfl0w - 20
- 3
cljs unix times are parsed as a day too early
#144 opened by WorldsEndless - 2
- 0
- 2
Question: start of week
#138 opened by spacegangster - 0
(tick/instant) parsing fails on negative years
#137 opened by deobald - 0
Type hint return of t/inst
#132 opened by SevereOverfl0w - 2
- 1
- 6
No direct way to get days between dates
#126 opened by kxygk - 2
- 0
`t/min` on nil differs from `min`.
#125 opened by SevereOverfl0w - 0