
SQL 문제 풀이: 코딩 테스트 등등


SQL 문제 풀이: 코딩 테스트 등등



순서 제목 난이도 스터디 풀이여부
1 Revising the Select Query I Easy 22.08.23 Y
2 Revising the Select Query II Easy Y
3 Select All Easy Y
4 Select By ID Easy Y
5 Japanese Cities' Attributes Easy 22.08.30 Y
6 Japanese Cities' Names Easy Y
7 Weather Observation Station 1 Easy Y
8 Weather Observation Station 3 Easy Y
9 Weather Observation Station 4 Easy Y
10 Weather Observation Station 5 Easy 22.09.06 Y
11 Weather Observation Station 6 Easy Y
12 Weather Observation Station 7 Easy Y
13 Weather Observation Station 8 Easy Y
14 Weather Observation Station 9 Easy Y
15 Weather Observation Station 10 Easy 22.09.13
16 Weather Observation Station 11 Easy
17 Weather Observation Station 12 Easy
18 Higher Than 75 Marks Easy
19 Employee Names Easy
20 Employee Salaries Easy 22.09.20
21 Type of Triangle Easy
22 The PADS Medium
23 Revising Aggregations - The Count Function Easy
24 Revising Aggregations - The Sum Function Easy
25 Revising Aggregations - Averages Easy
26 Average Population Easy
27 Japan Population Easy
28 Population Density Difference Easy
29 The Blunder Easy
30 Top Earners Easy
31 Weather Observation Station 2 Easy
32 Weather Observation Station 13 Easy
33 Weather Observation Station 14 Easy
34 Weather Observation Station 15 Easy
35 Weather Observation Station 16 Easy
36 Weather Observation Station 17 Easy
37 Weather Observation Station 18 Medium
38 Weather Observation Station 19 Medium
39 Population Census Easy
40 African Cities Easy
41 Average Population of Each Continent Easy


순서 제목 난이도 스터디 풀이여부
1 Weather Observation Station 5 Easy
2 Binary Tree Nodes Medium
3 New Companies Medium
4 Weather Observation Station 20 Medium
5 The Report Medium
6 Top Competitors Medium
7 Ollivander's Inventory Medium
8 Challenges Medium
9 Contest Leaderboard Medium
10 SQL Project Planning Medium
11 Placements Medium
12 Symmetric Pairs Medium
13 Interviews Hard


순서 제목 난이도 스터디 풀이여부
1 15 Days of Learning SQL Hard
2 Draw The Triangle 1 Easy
3 Draw The Triangle 2 Easy
4 Print Prime Numbers Medium