
Reusable Django application for hierarchical organizations

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Reusable Django application for hierarchical organizations



Unit tests

Run tests


Run tests with coverage report

py.test --cov-report html --cov .

Open htmlcov/index.html for the coverage report.

Integration tests

We need to provide different settings files for the test as the setting variables for swappable model are only evaluated the first time the module is imported.

Run tests

python manage.py test --tag=custom_ds --settings=tests.test_app.settings_custom_ds
python manage.py test --tag=custom_pk_ds --settings=tests.test_app.settings_custom_pk_ds

Import Organization Data

Import organization data from a REST API endpoint

python manage.py import_organizations "http://example.com/v1/organization/"

If the data source needs to be renamed, provides a new data source name to replace the old one:

python manage.py import_organizations "http://example.com/v1/organization/" -s old_name:new_name