
Babis - personal finance under control 👀

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Babis.js - personal finance under control 👀

🚨 Work in progress 🚨

Do not use or you will regret it


I've tried countless apps for tracking expenses. Lots of them were excellent, at some things. But, in the end, just Good Old Sheetsâ„¢ satisfied all my requirements:

  • Semi-automatic imports from bank accounts
    • Full auto doesn't work for me cause:
      • Splitting bills with others and shared orders
      • Splitting payments (e.g. bying Dishwasher & Playstation in one order)
      • Cashbacks/discounts/...
      • Money transfers – diff bank account, investing accounts, p2p platforms, other currencies
      • Postponed payments (Splitwise, Twisto, ...)
  • Payments in different currencies charged in default currency ($5 for Netflix, charged in CZK)
  • Notes & TODOs
  • Both big-picture overview and possibility of proper deep analysis
  • Open format & ability to import/export

Current workflow

🚨 This is not really meant to be used by others. Maybe just for an inspiration.

  1. (put credentials into .env)
  2. Adjust from date in index.js
  3. Run index.js
    • 2FA auth 📱
  4. Import _normalized files from /output into Google Sheets
  5. Panic when realizing how much money you spend on coffee 💸