
Tool for a garage-research project of mine, which aims to help me analyze, explore and understand my taste in music. :)

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Spotify Music Taste

Tool for a garage-research project of mine, which aims to help me analyze, explore and understand my taste in music. :)

Implementation notes

  • Works stand-alone, but you can use it as a library and you can customize it.
  • Written in Kotlin, therefore it runs on the JVM.
  • Built on top of thelinmichael/spotify-web-api-java.
  • Word cloud images are generated via kennycason/kumo.
  • The font used on word clouds is Kalam.
  • Caches every Spotify request into an SQLite database and compresses the whole file using GZip.

How it works

  • The program's input:
    • Spotify API client ID and client secret
    • input text file containing Spotify track IDs/URLs per line
  • At first it decompresses the cache file if any.
  • The program grabs tracks' data using Spotify Web API:
    • track details
    • album details
    • details of artists
    • details of artists's albums
  • The program caches all requests to an SQLite database (spotify-music-taste.cache), therefore no redundant requests are sent to Spotify. And also you may use this database for further analysis.
  • During data grabbing, the program aggregates the information received from Spotify, mainly into key-value maps.
  • At the end, the program generates CSV files and word cloud images based on these key-value pairs.
  • Finally it compresses the cache file.


  • count of unique tracks, artists, genres
  • count of tracks by their artists
  • count of tracks by their artists' debut year (release year of artist's oldest album)
  • count of tracks by their artists' debut decade
  • count of tracks by their artists's genres
  • count of tracks by words of their artists's genres (e.g. "hard rock" genre will increase counters "hard" and "rock")
  • count of tracks by year
  • count of tracks by decade
  • min/avg/max duration of tracks in seconds
  • count of tracks by duration minutes (e.g. a 3:45 track length will increase counter for "3-4 min. tracks")

All of these aggregations are exported by the program into CSV files (with \t delimiter).


Acquire Spotify API access

  1. Register to Spotify Developer.
  2. Create an app, with a name of your choice (e.g. "Test app"). You don't have to fill in any fields but Application name and Description.
  3. You will get a client ID and a client secret string - save it somewehere.

Create input file

  1. Open Spotify and go to your saved tracks (Your music -> Songs).
  2. Click on any track, then press CTRL+A (select all) and CTRL+C (copy).
  3. Paste the links into a text file (e.g. in Notepad) and save it.



This format also works:


(And of course, you can mix them. :D)

Run the stand-alone JAR

Requires JRE.

#!/usr/bin/env bash


java -jar spotify-music-taste-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
	-ci $spotifyClientId \
	-cs $spotifyClientSecret \
	-i $inputFile \
	-o $outputDir

Create JAR file

Requires JDK, Maven.

mvn clean package -q

Run program without packaging

Requires JDK, Maven.

#!/usr/bin/env bash


mvn clean compile exec:java -q -Dexec.args="\
	-ci $spotifyClientId \
	-cs $spotifyClientSecret \
	-i $inputFile \
	-o $outputDir"

Use as a library (notes)


Make sure you close the cache after you finished using it. Higher-level classes must be closed too, and they will call lower-level close() methods for simplicity:

 -> this.close()
     -> this.spotify.close()
         -> this.cache.close()

This is needed to ensure all database changes are written on the disk and also the cache will compress the database at the end.

Generate a word cloud

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
	val m = mapOf<String, Int>(
		"word 1" to 5,
		"word 2" to 3,
		"word 3" to 7,
		"word 4" to 4
		// ...
    val e = Exporter("output-dir")
    // simple word cloud 
    val c1 = e.wordCloudConfig(m, "simple.png", null)
    // bipolar word cloud
    val c2 = e.wordCloudConfig(m, "bipolar.png") {        
        // it: Map.Entry<String, Int>
        it.key.matches(Regex(".*[2468]$")) && it.value > 3        
    // generate them
    e.wordCloud(c1, c2)

Look at the lambda function at c2. That is a divider function, which will create two distinct maps from the original frequency map. Those entries that got true result, will go to the first map, and those which got false go to the second map. First map will appear as green, and second map will appear as white on the word cloud image.

Exporter::wordCloud will generate word clouds for the given configurations in a parallel way.

If you need to customize the word cloud parameters, dig deeper and use Kumo itself instead. :)

Known Issues

  • Spotify does not include every album from every artist, so artist debut year will not be accurate for every artist.
  • Spotify API may respond with HTTP 502 after a certain amount of requests. Solution: wait for 1-2 min, then start the program again. (Because of the cache, you lose nothing.)

Future ideas

  • Fine-tune log level with command line argument (e.g. -v).
  • Enhance connectivity with Spotify API to make user be able to login: that way we can grab the user's saved tracks automatically - no need for manually created input file.
  • Maybe generate a master table with all data in it (Cartesian product), which can be used for OLAP cubes or in BI software.
  • It would be nice to make statistics based on the singers gender, e.g. do I like female singers more? The gender of a person can be fetched from Wikidata, and the singer of a band can be identified by searching for the "lead vocals" on the band's Wikipedia page.
  • We can export a full analysis, like an infographic - e.g. as a Jekyll site. :)
  • Host the thing somewhere as a service. Heroku? HelioHost?


MIT license, Copyright (c) 2017 Zsolt Jurányi

See LICENSE* files for notes for this project and for the dependences' licenses as well.