
The Canny Edge Detector is an algorithm used to perform edge detection in image processing. This repository contains an implementation in Python.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Canny Edge Detector

The Canny Edge Detector is an algorithm used to perform edge detection in image processing. This repository contains an implementation in Python.


Run python src/main.py <image-name> <low-threshold?> <high-threshold?> to execute the algorithm, where:

  • <image-name> is the input image (that must be contained in input/ directory);
  • <low-threshold?> and <high-threshold?> are the low and high thresholds to be used in hysteresis threshold step. These parameters are optional and their default values in the implementation are 20 and 40, respectively. Note: if only the low threshold is provided, the high threshold will be the double of it.

The output images will be stored in output/ directory, which are:

  • _output-step-1.png: grayscale smoothed/blurred image, obtained using Gaussian kernel;
  • _output-step-2.png: horizontal gradient of the image, obtained using Sobel kernel;
  • _output-step-3.png: vertical gradient of the image, obtained using Sobel kernel;
  • _output-step-4.png: gradient magnitude of the image, obtained using Pythagorean Theorem;
  • _output-step-5.png: non-maximum suppressed image;
  • output-detected-edges.png: the actual result image, which is obtained from the application of the hysteresis thresholding on the non-maximum suppressed image.


Flower Image

  1. Input:
  2. Smoothed:
  3. Horizontal gradient:
    Horizontal gradient
  4. Vertical gradient:
    Vertical gradient
  5. Gradient magnitude:
    Gradient magnitude
  6. Non-maximum suppressed:
    non-maximum suppressed
  7. [Result] Hysteresis thresholding:
    Hysteresis thresholding

Bird Image

  1. Before:
    Bird before
  2. After:
    Bird before

Butterfly Image

  1. Before:
    Butterfly before
  2. After:
    Butterfly before

Egypt Image

  1. Before:
    Egypt before
  2. After:
    Egypt before

Python Notebook

A step-by-step explanation (in portuguese) of the project code can be read in a python notebook file.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.